God Speaks Regarding Adultery Committed Against Him
Section One
12/25/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Peoples of the earth, how long shall you court death and desire abomination?!
Your hearts are full of adultery; you cease not from lying down with sin!
Behold, you have joined yourselves to the grave and
With death you have made your agreement!...[1]
Foolish people, see now the Word of The Lord,
Open your ears and listen to the voice of The Lord your God,
And establish My way before Me, that you may live and not die...
For there is no other God besides Me;
A just God and a Savior, there is none besides Me...[2]
Says The Lord."
Establish My Way Before Me, Says The Lord
5/14/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord: I have spoken to you many times, O peoples of the earth. Behold, I have sent out My messengers before My face, rising up early and sending them. They have gone out in the name of The Holy One of Israel, your Redeemer, trumpeting My Word by all manner of speaking and devices. For I do not change, says The Lord.
Yet you, O vile generation, have turned to Me the back, hiding your faces, refusing to be healed! For in secret you commit adultery against The Lord, and in open you practice abomination, that you might arouse Me to anger! Indeed you profane My name, and do not cease from polluting it, a most rebellious people who tread upon My Commandments and will not be turned aside from iniquity! Behold, righteousness has fled away and holiness is forgotten, as My own people desecrate My Word for evil gain, unruly children who forsake My Law in My own name, multitudes of ill-favored sheep!..."
7/4/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This question was asked of The Lord: Is the U.S.A. still a “God-fearing” nation?
"Thus says The Lord: Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet very few have any love for God in their hearts. For this nation is most perverse, a nation which loves abomination and from righteousness is far removed - Thus I have spit them out! Behold, even the earth shall vomit them out! For they have greatly defiled the land, a multitude of dry branches, broken off, which shall by no means be grafted in again until they fall hard upon their faces, crying out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!”
Behold, this nation plants seeds of perversion without ceasing! They cultivate abominations and reap sin all day long, and into the night they revel in all their uncleanness! And when I look down upon this nation, I see Sodom bursting forth and Gomorrah overtaking the land! And when I peer deeper still, I see one nation in agreement, a people in love with themselves, a nation which loves its harlotries more than God! - An adulterous people! A most wicked generation!"
11/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"O mighty and perverse nation, cease from
Your adulteries and return to Me!...
For I had blessed you, I had bestowed upon
You great abundance, yet you have perverted
Your way, desecrating all I have given you,
Hardening your hearts, forsaking the poor,
Turning your faces away from the afflicted!...
You have become a harlot, an adulterous woman
Who perverts her way among many lovers!...
Return to Me! Says The Lord."
Thus Says The Lord to the United States,
And to All the Churches of Men Which Dwell Within Its Borders
4/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"My sons, have you seen all these abominations wrought in your land?! Have you seen how they pollute My name, day and night without ceasing, how they parade their adulteries continually before My face?! Behold, the sins of this people are very great, sins of every kind, iniquity beyond measure! Therefore prophesy, lift up your voices and prophesy against this nation, and say to this wicked people..."
12/16/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the modern holidays of men[3])
"Thus says The Lord God: This world has altogether become a house of harlots, a whole generation who ceases not from committing fornication with the pagan and the heathen, reveling always in those things I hate! - A most perverse generation who desecrates the name of The Messiah, a foolish people who do always take the name of The Lord in vain![4]"
"Behold, My countenance is turned against you, O churches of men! For you have blasphemed My name without ceasing, polluting the name of The Messiah days without end! You have placed the commandments of men above The Commandments of God, saying within yourselves, “We are the only authority among men.” How long shall you walk in the ways of the harlot and commit adultery with the pagan?! How long shall you turn your ear away from hearing The Holy Law?! Thus your worship is not accepted, and your prayers are an abomination![5]"
11/17/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"How long shall you commit adultery with the
Harlot and revel in the idolatries of the pagan?!
How long shall you remain married to this world
And all its fornications against God?!...
Again I tell you, ALL religions, religious rituals
And celebrations, rooted deeply in paganism,
Are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God!
Well did My servant Sha’ul (also known as Paul) prophesy of you, saying: In the latter days some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared as with a hot iron.[6]"
Section Two
7/16/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, you quote My Word
Instant in and out of season,
Yet not one of you obeys My Word!...
As a wife who ceases not from committing
Adultery, you continue to defile My name
By your corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions,
Even to the embracing of all these
Holidays of men, which I hate!...
For they do remain atop your marred heads...
Says The Lord."
"Churches of men, shall you continue to commit adultery in your hearts without pause?! Know you not, to even look upon another with lust in your heart is adultery?! Behold, even every doctrine and tradition born of men is adultery against God! How long shall you rob Me and steal from your neighbor, for you do always bear false witness of Me, lying to your neighbor and to yourself! For I tell you the truth, you know neither Me nor My will, nor have you heard My voice at any time!"
The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers
As a Testament Against You, O Churches of Men
2/15/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore, thus says The Lord to this insolent people who dwell amongst the churches of men: You are dead, though you yet live. How long shall you commit adultery against your God?! How long shall you break My Commandments and ignore My every decree, one after another, then come and stand before Me, saying, “We are delivered to do all these things”?... You are not delivered!"
3/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Churches of men, you also refuse to listen, nor will you give heed to My correction; therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord: You have all gone out of the way! You have corrupted My Word for your own glory! Pride has become your master and greed has entered your houses, houses which bear MY name! DESECRATION! BLASPHEMY! I dwell not in any church made by human hands; I dwell in the temples made by My own hands! O churches of arrogance, how shall I gather you when you resist all correction and follow after the vain babblings of men in authority, heaping to yourselves teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, saying the Word of God is the way to riches and material things?!
Woe, I say to you who follow these acolytes of satan! False teachers! Soothsayers! Desolations are coming and great want! How then shall all these silver coins and paper, houses made of brick and wood, save you?! The riches of men shall be taken from them in a day! What then shall you stand upon, O men of vanities and vain deceits? Where shall you hide?!
Churches of men, cast out these leaders who speak as doves and teach doctrines of devils! My children, wash your robes and purify your houses, for The Holy One comes nigh! Be not left in bitter sorrows, abased in the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord! Cast away these false doctrines and filthy traditions; stop committing fornication with the harlot! Repent therefore, and come out of her! Take not one of her corrupt doctrines to yourself, stand apart from her traditions, for they are most perverse! For I tell you the truth, you all remain like her! Says The Lord. From the least to the greatest, you all pollute My name by your traditions and profane My Word by your doctrines! Behold, you have agreed together to forsake My Law and forget My Sabbaths, justifying your transgression in the name of Grace, upholding your sin by permission in the name of The Messiah, whom you call Christ! DESECRATION! GREAT BLASPHEMY!"
9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, they are dying and welcome death, though My life was poured out for them! They will not drink, they no longer wish to eat, that I might sustain them! For their every fountain is polluted, and the bread they serve is filled with rottenness!... Therefore, I shall vomit them from My mouth!
For the lukewarm have no place at My table, and have no interest in the Truth as it really is; Truth has departed from them! Only pretense remains and is worn proudly. Thus falsehoods rise up, bearing chains of imprisonment; harlotries increase, bringing forth illness, infecting the whole of the body... Therefore shall their fornications eat their flesh as their new wine inflames them! For insolent cords bind the proud, and rebellion is a rope by which the foolish hang themselves, says The Lord."
"For dogs lick up vomit, and maggots devour rotting flesh, and do not swine wallow in their own filth? Yet you have wallowed in your uncleanness days without end, licking up doctrine meet for the dogs!
Look now, death is near! The Day of Calamity is here and the Great Day is very near, where the flesh of the harlot shall be eaten and all her dead members shall be torn in pieces and strewn about! - Rotting flesh, maggot’s food, meet to be burned in the fire!
Yet you say, “This word is false! For we are fat and very rich; not one of us is desolate. Our every doctrine is well accepted, for we are God’s elect, and our church is the true church and only bride. How dare you say we are filthy and shall be torn in pieces! We will live forever and will never be a widow!”
Thus says The Lord: You are a widow already, very poor and desolate, a great number of starving people and very desolate, a perverse people who have made God in their own image."
10/8/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the churches of men and their rejection of this Word)
"Therefore, thus says The Lord: I am come to make them poor, to leave them desolate. Even now they are in severe lack and remain void of The Spirit, and know it not. And behold, the day is coming and draws very near, when they shall be in need and no one will come to aid them. For I am no more their Father, and they are no more My people, says The Lord. For they have played the harlot; indeed, they have rebelled against Me, and have played the harlot with many lovers!
Thus those who were to be the bride shall become the widow;
She shall altogether become as one who mourns the loss of her husband,
As one who seeks after her beloved, yet he can not be found...
And so shall it remain until her day comes and is fulfilled,
When she once again cries out in the streets,
“Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!”"
10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Therefore I, even I, The Lord God of Heaven and Earth, am calling you out! I am calling you to come out from amongst them and to be separate; that you no longer be given to the fornications of the churches of men, nor be caught up in the filth of the pagan; that you cease from committing adultery with all these strange men of unclean lips, who dwell amongst a people of unclean lips, who cease not from polluting My name and My glory!"
"For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers, men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church... I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from The Truth. For you profess to know Me, yet by your works you deny Me, being disobedient, abominable, disqualified for every good work."
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 2)...
Come Out of the Churches of Men and I Will Receive You! Says The Lord
Section Three
11/10/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Churches of men, I had given you time to reveal your faith by works,[7] to show yourselves worthy of Me,[8] that I live in you and that you know Me, yet what is this I see?! - A stiff arm and an outstretched neck, a face full of haughty and high looks, a mouth teaching blasphemies and lies in MY name! Thus I shall surely leave you desolate, all your lampstands removed and taken,[9] all your candlesticks put out and toppled!... You are estranged! I do not know you![10] Tears, many tears, deep and heavy sorrows, for she who would be My bride is not My bride! She has departed from Me and lusts after others! She remains a harlot, and so I leave her to her own devices with six months to repent.[11]"
I Can Wait No Longer
2/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, even you, O churches of men, have been seduced! For you do not cease from committing fornication with the harlot! Indeed you have embraced many lovers, lying down in beds of false doctrine, covering yourselves with the filth of the pagan and the heathen, committing many acts of adultery by your traditions, as you continue to indulge in those things which I hate!
8/6/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the churches of men)
"No more shall My name be polluted because of you, O churches of men! No more shall the name of The Son of Salvation be perverted before the multitude, because of you, O house of harlots! For you have surely committed adultery by your doctrines, and have played the harlot by your traditions, welcoming in many lovers!"
7/6/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, I have sent My messengers to every land, one from every nation, each being sent to the people of their own land, even from the midst of them. Yet I hear no answer, no wailing has entered My ears, not one has come out in mourning; I hear no repentance at all! Only filthiness comes forth, corrupt doctrines and detestable traditions polluting My name and The Messiah’s, great perversions of speech to uphold their own way, desecration as has never been seen! And though they do indeed have a form of godliness, they continually deny the power thereof!
The churches of men are unclean, every synagogue is void and desolate; My people have forgotten Me, neither do I dwell among them; My spirit is far removed! Therefore the desolate shall receive the reward of their error, and the heathen the penalty of their idolatries! Behold, the churches of men shall also receive - RECOMPENSE, for every act of adultery which they have committed before My face! Yes, according to every filthy act, which they have performed in MY name, shall it be accounted to them!"
3/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For My bride cleaves to Me, she honors Me
And walks in My ways, and remains faithful...
Yet any who claim to be My bride, who knowingly
Commit adultery with the pagan and the heathen,
While cleaving to the ways of this world
Or the churches of men, dishonor Me...
Thus between us a great gulf has formed...
And so shall it remain, until the day comes
And is fulfilled, when she cries out, saying,
“Blessed is He who comes in The Name of The Lord!”"
10/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: I have stretched out My hands all day long to a stubborn people, who walk in a way that is not good; a people who do not obey My voice, nor will they incline the ear, but do always follow the counsels and dictates of their own evil hearts; a most rebellious generation who provoke Me to anger continually to My face! For they seek always a way to retain their corrupt riches, a way to hide their shame, as they uplift themselves to new heights in vanity - false glory! Yea they build great and lavish houses, setting each one upon the shifting sands of man-made religion, perverse tradition and the corrupt doctrines of men; behold, even their steeples seek to pierce Heaven!... Woe, therefore, to this adulterous people! Woe to all these women dressed in fine apparel! They are all as strangers to Me! For they worship another god, and within their churches they teach the people of another messiah, one which they themselves have created! THESE ARE NOT OF MY BODY! THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE ME!
Behold, the churches have removed themselves far from Me! For they have played the harlot, and cleave to the breast of another! Tears, great anguish fills My heart! The stripes which I bore for them remain, yet they continue to bruise Me and persecute My body while mocking Me, spitting in My face on account of My words, continuing in their unjust cause, that they might silence My messengers and shut My mouth from speaking! For the sake of envy they stone My Bride, and are quick to pass judgment upon the lowly, turning their backs on those who come seeking bread!
Behold, they pollute the name of God without ceasing, even the name The Father gave Me (the name We share), refusing to embrace Me as I truly am! Lo, even the least of their brethren are made to conform to their image, as they continue to heap up offenses one atop another throughout their generations! And those who depart their company, or bring forth a just complaint, are judged swiftly and very harshly, slandered and cast out. For they say within themselves, “I answer to no one; I am free from The Law, and am in need of nothing. This is my house, and to IT am I married. I will follow the traditions of my fathers, and no one will turn me aside. For I am a bride-in-waiting, and will never be a widow!”
Therefore I am coming down, and MY bride shall be taken,
My every treasure gone from this place...
And so it shall come to pass, the “bride-in-waiting”
Shall indeed become the widow;
For the husband which she had formed
In her own image shall die on that day...
And behold, only women in mourning shall remain...
Says The Lord.
3/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"And still some of you sit at ease in your padded chairs, punching the keys, saying within yourselves, “I am delivered.” - You are not delivered! From the power of sin, yes, My children, I have delivered you, yet some of you remain married to this world. And those who remain married to another, even to themselves, can by no means be joined unto Me, lest adultery be brought into the house of The Lord.
Beloved ones, you are My treasure. Yet some of you count yourselves as first, having loved another more than Me; therefore you must be last. For I search the hearts and minds."
Related Topics
- Adultery Against God Is an Abomination to The Lord
- God Speaks About Idolatry
- Regarding the Holidays of Men
- Regarding "Another Messiah"
- Regarding the Churches of Men
- Regarding the Catholic Church
- Regarding The Ten Commandments
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- Previous topic: God Speaks About Committing Murder Within the Heart
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