I Am Calling You Out

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I Am Calling You Out

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord God: Beloved children, I am calling you out. From the midst of your countrymen, from the midst of your peers and kindred, even from the midst of all these churches of men, I am calling you out, that you may be separate, that you may be set apart in truth, a lowly people who wait upon The Lord with joy and trembling.
Yet My people will not come out, nor will they stay separate. For they do not hate the company of evildoers, and at the table of the wicked they sit at ease. Yet The Lord your God has shown you the Way. Even I have provided this lamp for your feet, lest you should stumble and fall into a pit. For thick clouds gather, darkness descends and covers the earth, yet you will not believe.

Thus in My mercy,
I have placed a beacon in the midst
Of this desolate land, a light which shall
Reach even unto the ends of the earth...

Behold, I have forged a silver trumpet,
And placed it in the hands of My watchman...

For the flames of My people flicker,
And the winds of deception do not cease.

BEHOLD, WICKEDNESS INCREASES BY MEASURE! And oh how the people love to have it so! For they all have itching ears! They give heed to every wind of doctrine, and hold fast to every false expectation and arrogant assumption! They are continually led away; none have truly discerned, nor are they able!... Oh sadness, bitter sorrow, My beloved has forsaken Me! She cleaves to the breast of another, and has not known Me! Therefore do My tears flow down, My face is wet with grief! For I had called out to her, yet I heard no answer! I lifted up My voice, yet she did not come out to meet Me! Behold, in My zeal I stretched out My arms to embrace her, yet she refused Me!"

Excerpt from: I Am Calling You Out! (Part 1)

10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore I, even I, The Lord God of Heaven and Earth, am calling you out! I am calling you to come out from amongst them and to be separate; that you no longer be given to the fornications of the churches of men, nor be caught up in the filth of the pagan; that you cease from committing adultery with all these strange men of unclean lips, who dwell amongst a people of unclean lips, who cease not from polluting My name and My glory! Yet you will not come out, nor will you abandon this other way you have chosen! For you do always hold out the hand against the cleansing of the Spirit, you do always reject the Word of The Lord!"

Excerpt from:
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 2)...
Come Out of the Churches of Men
And I Will Receive You! Says The Lord

10/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved ones, before you depart My table, consider this: Where did your faith come from, and by what means was it authored? Be not quick to answer, but consider. For I tell you the truth, I am not the author of your faith, nor did your faith begin with Me. For I did not come forth to increase the faith you already have, nor have I spoken through all these Letters to affirm that which you have already accepted; no, I have come to tear down and to supplant.
Beloved, I am calling you out of that to which you have grown accustomed, to be separate from that which has until now been the author of your faith. For some of you your faith began in the churches of men, and for others it was molded and shaped by the world, yet for most it was a combination of the two. Therefore I call you to see with greater eyes, with eyes like Mine. For I tell you the truth, your faith is against Me, even as the churches of men and this world are against Me, polluting My name and My glory without ceasing. For it is written: Friendship with the world is enmity with God; whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Therefore, I have poured out My spirit on all flesh in these last days, and by My prophet I have spoken; even by a multitude of words I have declared it. And thus I say it to you, once again: I shall tear down, uproot and destroy, supplant, until I have set all these crooked paths straight.

Thus I have called My people out, that they might
Come out from among them and be separate...

A people set apart for My name,
A people who keep The Commandments
And cease not from testifying to My glory,
A people of pure and undefiled faith...

A people joined unto ME...

Says The Lord.

From: Pure and Undefiled Faith

Come Out From Among Them - Section One

11/25/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord to all those who say they love Me, yet do not remain in My love:[1] Do you really know Me? And if you long to know Me as I truly am, then let go of this world and forsake its evil ways. Come out from among them and be separate; take no part in that which is unclean, and I will receive you."[2]

Excerpt from:
Do Not Be Tempted by the World,
For Its Ways Lead Only to Blasphemy and Sin

7/24/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"The whole world is awash in blasphemy and sin, perversion fills every corner! For all these people of faith, as they are called among men, desecrate My name by man-made doctrine and pollute My name by pagan tradition; harlotries abound! Come out from among them therefore, and be separate! Touch no more that which is unclean, and I will receive you! Be separate from this world and its evil ways! Be plucked up and freed from all these vain religions of men, from all these who uphold reprehensible doctrine and deplorable tradition, polluting My way before Me! For they are greatly misled, pleasers of men and this world, antichrist."

Excerpt from: Proclaim The Name of The Lord

2/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Addendum to “Obey God

"Be My examples, therefore...

Come out from among them and be separate;
Do not touch what is unclean and I will
Receive you, as it is written[3]...

Obey My voice and walk in My ways,
Revealing to every onlooker that I am indeed first...

The greatest of all loves."

From: Addendum to “Obey God”

9/4/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Timothy and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For the thoughts of man are from below, earthly, fleshly; all his works are evil, a way heavy-laden with sin.

Therefore avoid the things of this world,
Which I hate, and walk free...

And be separate from those who push out
The lip, from all who tread the wide path...

Come out from among them,
And receive only that which comes down
From your Father in Heaven."

Excerpt from:
Receive of That Which Is Seasoned with
Salt and Flavored with Honey

5/21/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For I am The Lord, and I shall surely correct and discipline all those I love; yes, even all who have been led astray and teach others in like manner, all in all a leading away from the Truth as I Myself have spoken it and how it was meant to be received. For you know not the mind of God, nor have you heard My voice, neither will you listen, says The Lord. Therefore, come out from among them and be separate; be joined unto Me! Look past My prophet, and see with greater eyes! For your ego has crippled you, and your corrupt knowledge has caused you to blaspheme My words!
Therefore, again I say, REPENT! Call upon My name in spirit and in truth, with all humility, that you may receive true understanding! Depart from all these vanities! Stop desecrating My Word in the Scriptures of Truth, for your own glory! Humility and steadfast faith is what I require; disciples who obey My teaching, striving always to walk in My ways; servants who keep The Commandments as they are written and not as you would have them be; vessels who carry Me within them and do not cease from testifying to the truth of who I am, by all they say and do.
Beloved ones, you can not serve both God and men!"

Excerpt from:
To All Those Who Speak Against the
Word of The Lord Given to Timothy

10/7/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For the Churches of Men, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore, blessed are those who
Come out from among them...

Blessed are those who obey God rather than men...

Blessed are those who place their trust
In The Son of God, striving always to walk
In His ways and keep His commandments;
They shall surely be taken out of this place...

Yet woe to all those who disobey The Son,
Woe to all who turn aside from The Way
And forsake The Commandments,
For the wrath of God remains upon them."

Excerpt from: I Will Take My People OUT OF

5/23/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord: Behold, The Lord has purposed, and that which I have purposed to do is established; the first of many called, their number accomplished, it is done. Thus there shall now be a great emptiness across the land. And among the churches, a void, a dullness of understanding, a great emptiness, with the way ahead unsure for those who have not known Me. For they have refused to accept Me as I truly am. Yet those who come out from among them shall have their eyes opened and their understanding brightened. For their hearts have longed for Me, their hearts I have known."

Excerpt from: The Sword Comes

9/9/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore purge yourselves, and cease from all this awful spewing!
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, AND REPENT; return to Me!...

Beloved, come to Me empty, that you may receive true knowledge;
Come out from among them and embrace your Savior in truth;
Be delivered from all this darkness!...

Turn away from the commandments of men;
Stand apart from those who call evil good and good evil,
Who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter,[4]

Says The Lord."


"Therefore, as it is written: Watch and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things.[5] For the time has come, behold, the Day is here, it waits at the doors, and soon the whole world shall fall under the shadow of My judgment.

Therefore, come out from among them and prepare to meet your God!...

Bow down and be purged and no more stand defiant;
Seek no longer to uphold your own way, but come to Me naked;
Kneel before your Redeemer and bear your hearts before Me!...

Beloved ones, receive of The Pure Water and drink deeply,
Yea, immerse yourselves and be cleansed, set free!"

Excerpts from:
Churches of Men, Hear The Word of The Lord

2/10/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, repent and be spared!
For The Thief is about to enter the house and take His spoil;
Behold, He has entered the hearts of the penitent already,
And has but to call out, and they shall be snatched away...

CHURCHES OF MEN, let My people go!
For The Master is coming quickly, and He shall surely
Purge every temple and tear down every house,
Which pollutes My name and desecrates
The glory of My majesty...

Therefore do not wait, beloved ones,
For the Day of Judgment is at hand."

Excerpt from: The Last Trump

Come Out From Among Them - Section Two

10/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For it is written: Friendship with the world is enmity with God; whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
Therefore, I have poured out My spirit on all flesh in these last days, and by My prophet I have spoken; even by a multitude of words I have declared it. And thus I say it to you, once again: I shall tear down, uproot and destroy, supplant, until I have set all these crooked paths straight.

Thus I have called My people out, that they might
Come out from among them and be separate...

A people set apart for My name,
A people who keep The Commandments
And cease not from testifying to My glory,
A people of pure and undefiled faith...

A people joined unto ME...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from: Pure and Undefiled Faith

2/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"YOU ALL SLEEP! Yea, you fold your hands to rest, that you may remain at ease in your slumber! Awake! Free yourselves from the deluge of lies, from this great flood of sin! AWAKE! And go and wash yourselves in the pool of Siloam, yea, immerse yourselves in The Healing Pool of God, which was sent. Beloved, wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, and come out from among them! Be separate from all these commandments of men, from all these false doctrines and filthy traditions, and I will receive you!
Yet you refuse Me, nor will you come out. For you want no part with Me as I truly am. Thus you remain under judgment, and the shadow of death covers you."

Excerpt from: The Mountains Shall Crumble and Fall Upon the Desolate

3/29/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, The Mighty and Strong One
Shall return and take from the earth
His own, and great recompense
Shall be poured out on all nations...

He shall come in power and great glory,
And Judgment shall sit...

Yet all who come out from among them,
And call upon the name of The Holy One of Israel,
In spirit and in truth, shall be delivered...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from: You Shall Not Desecrate the Sabbath

6/9/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For a Sister and Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore come out from among them, and be separate...

Come to Me and embrace Me as I truly am,
And I also shall embrace you, setting you apart
From all these who have deceived you...

Then shall that which was brought forth
From a lie, as a veil of darkness to cover
The heads of My people, be destroyed in the light
Of pure understanding and undefiled wisdom,
Crushed beneath the weight of The Truth, which I am...

Says He who is faithful, He who is true."

Excerpt from:
That Which Is Not of Me Is against Me,
And Comes from the Evil One, Says The Lord

12/29/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, all shall be moved from their places, that the eyes of the prideful might be opened and the ears of the arrogant unstopped, that all might repent and return to Me! Therefore watch! For the time has come for the will of God to be made manifest, for the earth to tremble and quake, to spew its fervent heat! Now is the time for signs in the heavens above and in the earth beneath[6], for the judgments of God to be poured out, for the wrath of God to fall from Heaven![7]

Therefore, come out from among them[8],
And take refuge in Me...

For I am your only shelter,
Your only sanctuary from the storm...

Says The Holy One of Israel."

Excerpt from: The Signs of the Coming of The Son of Man

11/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Someone Who Asked if They Can Still Serve The Lord as a Pastor
Even Though They Are Homosexual, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore again I say to you, serve Me as I am, and not as you would have Me be. Yet turn away unto strange flesh, and I shall also turn away from you, leaving you in the midst of the earth, until you are truly ready to give up your life for My sake. My son, come out from among them and be separate, and I shall give you a cool drink of water, for you are yet thirsty. Hear My words and understand. For My words are life for those who walk in them. And if you walk in them, then you are really My disciple, says The Lord."

Excerpt from: Blessed Are Those Who Overcome for My Name’s Sake

7/20/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore come out from among them, and be separate from all these corrupt doctrines and perverse traditions. For as it is written: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in The Beloved, that you may prove what is good and acceptable before God, according to His will, which is perfect. I AM THE LORD."

Excerpt from: Evil Blotted Out, Righteousness Reigns

2/15/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold! I have purposed destruction upon all your abominable temples! I have declared calamity for all your grand houses, until all these riches are consumed!... Every building which stands so high and lofty, every whitewashed wall which conceals abomination, every upright pillar, every established column, all must come down, all must be broken in pieces! - Until only dust and ashes remain, until the foot of the high man can find no level ground upon which to stand and rest, until the hand of the proud finds no place to lean upon in his weariness.
For only then will they be separate, only then will they come out from among them, says The Lord. For I alone am The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, forever and ever. Amen...

From: Far Removed

Take No Part

11/25/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

This question was asked of The Lord, for several family members: Lord, may we still give gifts to our loved ones, as long as it doesn’t take place on the 25th of December, and if we do not call it Christmas?

"Thus says The Lord of Heaven and Earth: In these things of sin, which are altogether an abomination before The Lord, TAKE NO PART! Make no compromise, nor attempt to go roundabout; be completely separate. Turn your back on all these commandments of men[9] which pollute My name and My glory, stop drinking from these polluted fountains! For I hate all these filthy traditions, I loathe the sight of them! They are corrupt, evil works and adulteries, harlotries passed down from generation to generation, idolatries of every kind! Says The Lord."

Excerpt from:
Do Not Be Tempted by the World,
For Its Ways Lead Only to Blasphemy and Sin

4/22/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding Easter)

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: Those who knowingly celebrate Easter and its deplorable traditions hate My resurrection. Therefore, join not in the error of the people; have no part in their sin. For those who refuse My correction are foolish and must walk through dry places, and those who refuse to repent have secured their place in the valley of death. For the pride of man is a heavy stone, which increases by weight each day it remains unbroken.

Join NOT in the error of the people;
Have NO part in their sin!...

Says The One who sees, The One who knows.

Join Not in the Error of the People

8/23/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore, thus says The Lord: The murder of the innocent leads to the death of the guilty, who carry the innocent within them; take no part in their sin. For all who do wear equally the guilt of the mother, all seek the penalty of death; from the lawmakers to the voters, to the building owner to the workers to the suppliers, and finally to the father, if he does not take a stand to protect the unborn who are without blame. Behold, they have brought the wrath of God upon their nation, upon their state and upon their cities, calamity upon calamity until I have laid them waste!

Excerpt from: Abortion: Murder of the Innocent

12/11/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord: My children, struggle not against the principles of another, nor rebuke them with your own words, nor correct them by your own understanding. Let go of your personal notions of right and wrong, and strive to love others in spite of yourselves, and have compassion for those with whom you disagree. Do not judge them, nor shun them in your heart. Rather love those who speak against you, because you obey My Word; bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you, as it is written.[10]
Yet have no part with them, nor give them a platform from which to proliferate their sinful ways; remain separate.[11] For they do rebel against their God. Their argument is with Me, though it may seem as though you have become the object of their scorn. For they do always fight against Me, in an effort to justify their sins. For I have written The Law in the hearts of all men; all are able to discern right from wrong. Thus they choose to rebel; they remain in their sins."

Excerpt from: I Shall Correct and Discipline All Those I Love

7/27/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding believers in Messiah taking part in a Jewish fast during the month of Av)

"Yet those of Israel go out to cry over all their dead, and fast because of all this punishment I have allowed to overtake them. Yet I hear no repentance! I hear no wailing at all over their forsaking of The Holy One who poured out His life for them, nor over that which their fathers had done to Him, the sin of which remains atop their marred heads![12]
Enmity, such bitter tears! My own people, who were the apple of My eye, forsake Me still! Therefore, take no part in their festivals! Take no part in their wailing over the dead, as though I am not able at this very moment to call them forth from their graves and from their tombs, to raise them ALL from the dust of the earth once again!"

Excerpt from:
Who Among You, O Israel, and Among You, O Olive Branches,
Has Fasted Unto Me?! Says The Lord God

11/18/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, is it OK to wear jewelry with symbols of faith, such as crosses?

"Yet woe to those who wear such symbols for the sake of vanity, or as a trophy or sign of their own goodness and beliefs. For by their actions they do always blaspheme, taking the name of The Lord in vain, though they have not opened their mouths to speak... Woe to those who dwell in the limelight, whose showmanship is likened unto a star! Woe to those who adorn themselves with all manner of sparkling ornaments, fine jewelry and expensive apparel, while also bearing symbols of the cross, for theirs is the greater sin! Thus under the guise of pretense and false glory is their true raiment hidden. For they do not know Me, neither do I live in them.
For what do all these things have to do with Me? Is it not the humble, penitent man who gives Me glory in all his ways? For he seeks to honor Me, to please Me above all else. He wants no part in the ways of this world, neither does he seek glory for himself. By his actions he shines forth, seeking glory for The One alone who is God. Thus the man who places Me foremost, in all things, shall also be first when The Glory comes... Therefore, let all those who truly know Me proclaim My name first by their ways, then with their mouths. For honor only spoken of is but wind, the veil of the hypocrite who knows not where he is going, having no remorse over where he has been."

Excerpt from: Adorn Yourself with The Word of God

Come Out of the Churches of Men - Section One

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord God: Beloved children, I am calling you out. From the midst of your countrymen, from the midst of your peers and kindred, even from the midst of all these churches of men, I am calling you out, that you may be separate, that you may be set apart in truth, a lowly people who wait upon The Lord with joy and trembling."

Excerpt from: I Am Calling You Out! (Part 1)

10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore I, even I, The Lord God of Heaven and Earth, am calling you out! I am calling you to come out from amongst them and to be separate; that you no longer be given to the fornications of the churches of men, nor be caught up in the filth of the pagan; that you cease from committing adultery with all these strange men of unclean lips, who dwell amongst a people of unclean lips, who cease not from polluting My name and My glory! Yet you will not come out, nor will you abandon this other way you have chosen! For you do always hold out the hand against the cleansing of the Spirit, you do always reject the Word of The Lord!"


"MY PEOPLE, COME OUT FROM AMONGST THEM! Run from all these who reject this Word and push out the hand against My messengers, who hold fast to all these doctrines of men, which I hate! Depart quickly from all these rebellious houses, who refuse correction and shut their eyes to truth! For they do always stop their ears from hearing the voice of The Lord their God, choosing rather to persecute and slander those I have sent to them! Behold, I have become as an idol to them, which they have formed in their own image! DESECRATION! GREAT BLASPHEMY!"


"For lo, I tell you a mystery which shall soon be made known: Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side, and those who refuse to the other; one on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die. For they are left outside, with no way in, though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down. Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers. Yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.

Come out from among them, and be
Separate from the churches of men!
Touch no more the unclean thing,
And I will receive you! Says The Lord"

Excerpts from:
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 2)...
Come Out of the Churches of Men
And I Will Receive You! Says The Lord

5/23/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Churches of men, hold your lamps up, so I may see your faces. Shine your lamps on your houses, that I may behold your good works, all these grand works you boast of in My name, saying, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonderful works in Your name?” Yet most assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you!
Your lamps have gone out, and you have nothing at all with which to relight them. Neither are you willing to go out and receive from those I send, for you do always offend. Thus you shall remain in your darkened houses, folding your hands to sleep, until destitution overtakes you and scarcity drives you out. For I have purposed disaster upon every house of worship, until every church is torn down and every denomination is left in ruins. Therefore come out from among them, and embrace The True Light and receive of the pure oil, says The Lord."

Excerpt from: Awake, All You Churches of Men

9/9/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore hear Me, all you foolish leaders who dwell amongst the churches of men, hear the Word of The Lord your God: Yes, you shall surely be left desolate and stripped naked of all your clothes! And no more shall you spew all this perverse doctrine or revel in all these filthy traditions before My face!
Behold, your adulteries shall be uncovered, O churches of men, and you shall cry out in the streets! And with tears streaming, you shall fall and be made to sit upon the ground, until you once again stand up with pure testimony and right understanding, proclaiming My name in truth, honoring My Commandments and keeping My Sabbaths, and no more adding to nor taking away from the Word which I have commanded you.[13] In that day, the multitudes shall lie down in death, and many of you shall fall asleep. Yet I shall come for you, and lift you up, and give you robes of white. Yes, you shall die, even at the hands of men, yet you shall be lifted up to glory.

Therefore purge yourselves, and cease from all this awful spewing!
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, AND REPENT; return to Me!...

Beloved, come to Me empty, that you may receive true knowledge;
Come out from among them and embrace your Savior in truth;
Be delivered from all this darkness!...

Turn away from the commandments of men;
Stand apart from those who call evil good and good evil,
Who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter,[14]

Says The Lord."


"Therefore, as it is written: Watch and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things.[15] For the time has come, behold, the Day is here, it waits at the doors, and soon the whole world shall fall under the shadow of My judgment.

Therefore, come out from among them and prepare to meet your God!...

Bow down and be purged and no more stand defiant;
Seek no longer to uphold your own way, but come to Me naked;
Kneel before your Redeemer and bear your hearts before Me!...

Beloved ones, receive of The Pure Water and drink deeply,
Yea, immerse yourselves and be cleansed, set free!"

Excerpts from:
Churches of Men, Hear The Word of The Lord

2/10/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, repent and be spared!
For The Thief is about to enter the house and take His spoil;
Behold, He has entered the hearts of the penitent already,
And has but to call out, and they shall be snatched away...

CHURCHES OF MEN, let My people go!
For The Master is coming quickly, and He shall surely
Purge every temple and tear down every house,
Which pollutes My name and desecrates
The glory of My majesty...

Therefore do not wait, beloved ones,
For the Day of Judgment is at hand."

Excerpt from: The Last Trump

2/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, even you, O churches of men, have been seduced! For you do not cease from committing fornication with the harlot! Indeed you have embraced many lovers, lying down in beds of false doctrine, covering yourselves with the filth of the pagan and the heathen, committing many acts of adultery by your traditions, as you continue to indulge in those things which I hate!
YOU HAVE CAUSED MY PEOPLE TO SIN! YOU HAVE ALTOGETHER TURNED THEM ASIDE FROM THE TRUTH! For you have preached to them another messiah, a false christ, passed down to you by your forefathers, an idol arrayed in purple and scarlet, which even now you mold to your own likeness, according to your own perverse desires and arrogant assumptions! - Blind guides! Foolish children! YOU ALL SLEEP! Yea, you fold your hands to rest, that you may remain at ease in your slumber! Awake! Free yourselves from the deluge of lies, from this great flood of sin! AWAKE! And go and wash yourselves in the pool of Siloam, yea, immerse yourselves in The Healing Pool of God, which was sent. Beloved, wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, and come out from among them! Be separate from all these commandments of men, from all these false doctrines and filthy traditions, and I will receive you!
Yet you refuse Me, nor will you come out. For you want no part with Me as I truly am. Thus you remain under judgment, and the shadow of death covers you. Behold, My own people sin against Me, for they are not My people. For they do always testify falsely, as they continue to pervert My name in all the earth. Therefore every lampstand shall be removed from its place, all light gathered and taken; darkness, thick clouds and darkness, cover the face of the earth."

Excerpt from: The Mountains Shall Crumble and Fall Upon the Desolate

Come Out of the Churches of Men - Section Two

7/20/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the false doctrine of hell and eternal torment[16] [17])

"And still to this day, the lie is widely spoken of and accepted, even fiercely defended by the churches of men for the sake of pride. For they uphold the lie, teaching that whether one believes and accepts The Son, or whether one forbears and rejects The Life, all have eternal life in Heaven or in hell - BELIEVE THEM NOT! See with greater eyes, for I do not change! I do not grant eternal life to the wicked, in any form, nor shall the evil of heart see everlasting life. Their existence shall be taken from them, they shall surely be blotted out.
Again, I say to you, those under condemnation are dead. In no way are they part of the living, nor are they living in torment; they know nothing at all. For the churches of men are foolish, and their leaders teach doctrines of devils. Therefore come out from among them, and be separate from all these corrupt doctrines and perverse traditions. For as it is written: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in The Beloved, that you may prove what is good and acceptable before God, according to His will, which is perfect. I AM THE LORD."

Excerpt from: Evil Blotted Out, Righteousness Reigns

10/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved ones, before you depart My table, consider this: Where did your faith come from, and by what means was it authored? Be not quick to answer, but consider. For I tell you the truth, I am not the author of your faith, nor did your faith begin with Me. For I did not come forth to increase the faith you already have, nor have I spoken through all these Letters to affirm that which you have already accepted; no, I have come to tear down and to supplant.
Beloved, I am calling you out of that to which you have grown accustomed, to be separate from that which has until now been the author of your faith. For some of you your faith began in the churches of men, and for others it was molded and shaped by the world, yet for most it was a combination of the two. Therefore I call you to see with greater eyes, with eyes like Mine. For I tell you the truth, your faith is against Me, even as the churches of men and this world are against Me, polluting My name and My glory without ceasing. For it is written: Friendship with the world is enmity with God; whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Therefore, I have poured out My spirit on all flesh in these last days, and by My prophet I have spoken; even by a multitude of words I have declared it. And thus I say it to you, once again: I shall tear down, uproot and destroy, supplant, until I have set all these crooked paths straight.

Thus I have called My people out, that they might
Come out from among them and be separate...

A people set apart for My name,
A people who keep The Commandments
And cease not from testifying to My glory,
A people of pure and undefiled faith...

A people joined unto ME...

Says The Lord.

From: Pure and Undefiled Faith

1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved children, I say this once again, so you may be saved: Come out! Come out from among them and be separate! Says The Lord. And no more touch what is unclean, and I will receive you! Cast away the commandments of men, and obey not the word of your forefathers. Turn away from the counsel of your appointed bishops and kings, and shut your ears to the words of your priests and false fathers; fully shun the ways of your founders. For their every doctrine rests upon the sands of abomination, all their ways are corrupt. And no more give reverence to your “holy see”, for this is most contemptible in My sight. Break free from all this insolence before The Lord, and I may yet have mercy upon you.

Beloved children, there is but One Way...

YahuShua HaMashiach,
Yes, He who is called Jesus The Christ,
He is The Only Way...

Therefore follow close behind Him,
In His very footsteps,
And you shall surely live and not die...

Says The Lord whose dominion is everlasting
And whose authority is absolute,
The Only Lord God of Hosts, The I AM.

Excerpt from:
To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of
And Sits Upon Seven Hills

11/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Churches of men, why do you sit still, growing fat, consuming all these doctrines made by human hands?! Stand up or bow down! Shout to your nation or bow down! Fall on your faces! Says The Lord. Rend your clothes, howl and wail! Put on sackcloth, cover your heads with dust and ashes, and take up a lamentation! Sound the Trumpet to your kindred and countrymen! Stop hiding in your houses you call by My name; I do not dwell there! Come out, come out from among them, AND REPENT!
Churches of men, you were to be an example, preparing My way before Me, a beacon on a hill, watchmen blowing the trumpet. Yet what do I see?! THE WORKS OF THE FLESH![18] For as it is written: You are neither cold nor hot. Oh how I wish you were one or the other! Therefore, because you have become as lukewarm water, even now becoming stagnant and rank, I shall vomit you out!"

Excerpt from:
Thus Says The Lord to the United States,
And to All the Churches of Men Which Dwell Within Its Borders

5/21/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For as it is written: They profess to know God, but in works they deny Me, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.[19] For you have divided My Word, O churches of men, yes, you have divided it, and it shall slay you! For the day is coming when you shall be struck to the heart and you shall wail, when again this same one, against whom you have brought all manner of false accusations, comes to you in the Day of Sorrows, saying, “Thus says The Lord,” and you realize that all you have done has been found wanting.

Therefore again, I call you to repent, to turn aside
From this corrupt way you have chosen,
To come out of the churches of men!...

That I, Myself, may once again place your feet
Back on the path of truth and righteousness...

For as I am, so shall I be;
As I have spoken, so I speak;
For I am The Lord, and I DO NOT CHANGE."

Excerpt from:
To All Those Who Speak Against the
Word of The Lord Given to Timothy

10/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Churches of men, have you taken no thought to My judgments? How is it you have ignored My every admonition, admonitions which you were to ponder on your beds at night and dwell upon while gazing at your reflection in the morning?
Lo, I have whispered to you in a still small voice, yet you had no ears to hear. I have written to you by the pen of My prophets, yet you refused to see. I have shouted to you by the mouth of My messengers, yet you would not give heed. Rather you think Me evil, and My speech contemptible!
Yet in My love I spoke to you, and in My mercy I have warned you. And behold, many of My servants were pricked in their hearts and have confronted these men in authority. Yes, they have pointed the finger at all these perverse doctrines and are unsettled by all these detestable traditions, for they are the Called Out. Yes, My servants are unsettled and have come out, for I have pricked them in their hearts to the cause of the great division. For I, Myself, have brought this sword.

Therefore, let the uproar ensue!
For the name of God has been polluted and
The sanctity of My Word corrupted, for evil gain!
The churches of men are unclean!...

Therefore must My people come out from among them,
That I may break apart all these false foundations,
That I may bring down all these
High walls and towering steeples...





Excerpt from:

12/11/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Call of Themselves Christian, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Messiah’s church dwells within Him, and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple which has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world for fulfillment, mixing the things of the world with the things of God, polluting pure worship with the abominations of the pagan and the heathen; altogether desecrating My name and My glory, as you continue to segregate My Word in an effort to maintain your own way.

Therefore, be separate! Says The Lord. Come out from among them, and follow Me! My servants, bring nothing with you, for I abide not in any church made with human hands. Why do you not understand My speech?! For I tell you the truth: Those who love anyone or anything in this world, more than Me, are not worthy of Me; and to be a friend of this world is enmity with God, as it is written... Stop stifling The Spirit!
Know you not, that to celebrate and worship Me, in any way contrary to the Scriptures, is a desecration of My name?! And to mix anything I have given you, with the things of satan, is an abomination?! My children, come out of her! The harlot has deceived you! And you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling in all her fornications..."

Excerpt from: Refinement and The Day of The Lord

  • (More to Follow)

Come Out of Her

3/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Cast away these false doctrines and filthy traditions; stop committing fornication with the harlot! Repent therefore, and come out of her! Take not one of her corrupt doctrines to yourself, stand apart from her traditions, for they are most perverse! For I tell you the truth, you all remain like her! Says The Lord. From the least to the greatest, you all pollute My name by your traditions and profane My Word by your doctrines! Behold, you have agreed together to forsake My Law and forget My Sabbaths, justifying your transgression in the name of Grace, upholding your sin by permission in the name of The Messiah, whom you call Christ! DESECRATION! GREAT BLASPHEMY!"

Excerpt from: To the Nation Once Called of Itself “Under God”

10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For lo, I tell you a mystery which shall soon be made known: Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side, and those who refuse to the other; one on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die. For they are left outside, with no way in, though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down. Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers. Yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.

Come out from among them, and be
Separate from the churches of men!
Touch no more the unclean thing,
And I will receive you! Says The Lord"

Excerpt from:
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 2)...
Come Out of the Churches of Men
And I Will Receive You! Says The Lord

12/11/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Call of Themselves Christian, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Messiah’s church dwells within Him, and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple which has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world for fulfillment, mixing the things of the world with the things of God, polluting pure worship with the abominations of the pagan and the heathen; altogether desecrating My name and My glory, as you continue to segregate My Word in an effort to maintain your own way.

Therefore, be separate! Says The Lord. Come out from among them, and follow Me! My servants, bring nothing with you, for I abide not in any church made with human hands. Why do you not understand My speech?! For I tell you the truth: Those who love anyone or anything in this world, more than Me, are not worthy of Me; and to be a friend of this world is enmity with God, as it is written... Stop stifling The Spirit!
Know you not, that to celebrate and worship Me, in any way contrary to the Scriptures, is a desecration of My name?! And to mix anything I have given you, with the things of satan, is an abomination?! My children, come out of her! The harlot has deceived you! And you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling in all her fornications..."

Excerpt from: Refinement and The Day of The Lord

1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved children, I say this once again, so you may be saved: Come out! Come out from among them and be separate! Says The Lord. And no more touch what is unclean, and I will receive you! Cast away the commandments of men, and obey not the word of your forefathers. Turn away from the counsel of your appointed bishops and kings, and shut your ears to the words of your priests and false fathers; fully shun the ways of your founders. For their every doctrine rests upon the sands of abomination, all their ways are corrupt. And no more give reverence to your “holy see”, for this is most contemptible in My sight. Break free from all this insolence before The Lord, and I may yet have mercy upon you.

Beloved children, there is but One Way...

YahuShua HaMashiach,
Yes, He who is called Jesus The Christ,
He is The Only Way...

Therefore follow close behind Him,
In His very footsteps,
And you shall surely live and not die...

Says The Lord whose dominion is everlasting
And whose authority is absolute,
The Only Lord God of Hosts, The I AM.

Excerpt from:
To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of
And Sits Upon Seven Hills

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