False Doctrines Within the Churches of Men Regarding...
False Doctrines : Categories : Index
- 1 Abortion
- 2 Baptism
- 3 The Day of The Lord
- 4 Death
- 5 "Hell" and Eternal Torment
- 6 The Holidays of Men
- 7 The Holy Days
- 8 The Holy Spirit
- 9 Homosexuality
- 10 The Jesus of the Churches of Men
- 11 The Millennial Kingdom
- 12 Materialism; Prosperity
- 13 Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Bible
- 14 The Name of The Lord
- 15 Original Sin
- 16 Parenting
- 17 Prophets
- 18 The "Rapture"
- 19 The Sabbath
- 20 Salvation
- 21 Second Chances
- 22 Spiritual Warfare
- 23 Staying Separate
- 24 The Ten Commandments
- 25 Tithing
- 26 The True Church
- 27 The Two Witnesses
- 28 The 144,000
- 29 More False Doctrines - The Catholic Church
- 30 Related Topics
- 31 Navigation
- Abortion Is OK or Is Permitted in Certain Circumstances (Uncommon)
- See: Thus Says The Lord Regarding Abortion
- Baptism is Required for Salvation
- See: Regarding Baptism; [Also see: Regarding Salvation] - God Sends Dying Babies To "Hell" If They Have Not Been Baptized
- See: Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven; Regarding Baptism; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment
The Day of The Lord
- The Book of Revelation Is to Be Taken Symbolically, None of It Is to Be Taken Literally
- See: Regarding the Day of The Lord; Regarding the Birth Pangs - There Will Be No Future, Literal Tribulation Period
- See: Regarding the Day of The Lord; Regarding the Birth Pangs
- Capital Punishment Is OK
- See: Thus Says The Lord Regarding Capital Punishment and Suicide - God Sends People to "Hell" If They Commit Suicide
- See: Twice Murdered; [Also see: Thus Says The Lord Regarding Capital Punishment and Suicide; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; Regarding the First Death; Regarding the Second Death] - People Go Straight to Heaven or "Hell" When They Die
- See: Regarding the First Death; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; [Also see; Regarding the Second Death]
- Also see: PART 1 - Q & A: What is the State of the Dead? (Bible/Letter Study)
"Hell" and Eternal Torment
- "Hell" Is the Eternal Dwelling Place for the Damned
- See: Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; Regarding the Second Death - God Sends Dying Babies To "Hell" If They Have Not Been Baptized
- See: Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; Regarding Baptism - God Sends the Lost to Eternal Torment In "Hell"
- See: Regarding the Second Death; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment - God Sends People to "Hell" If They Commit Suicide
- See: Twice Murdered; [Also see: Thus Says The Lord Regarding Capital Punishment and Suicide; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; Regarding the First Death; Regarding the Second Death] - The Messiah Descended Into "Hell" and On the Third Day He Rose Again
- See: Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; [Also see; YahuShua... The Lamb of God: The TRUE Chronology of The Messiah’s Crucifixion and Resurrection]
- Also see: The State of the Dead and The Fate of the Wicked: The False Doctrine of Hell and Eternal Torment Exposed
The Holidays of Men
- Celebrating Pagan-laced Holidays Such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween Is OK
- See: Regarding the Holidays of Men; [Also see: God Speaks Regarding Those Who Take His Name in Vain] - The Messiah Was Born on December 25th
- See: Regarding the Holidays of Men - Christmas
The Holy Days
- The Holy Days Are Outdated and/or Are Only for the Jews
- See: Regarding The Holy Days of God - The Messiah Died on Friday and Rose From the Dead on Sunday
- See: YahuShua... The Lamb of God: The TRUE Chronology of The Messiah’s Crucifixion and Resurrection
The Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the "Trinity"
- See: Regarding The Holy Spirit; Regarding The Trinity
- Also see: The False Doctrine of “The Trinity” Exposed - The Holy Spirit is Not a Person
- Homosexuality and/or Gay Marriage is OK (Uncommon)
- See: Regarding Homosexuality - Homosexuals Can Be Pastors, Etc.
- See: Regarding Homosexuality
The Jesus of the Churches of Men
- December 25th Is the Messiah's Birthday
- See: Regarding the Holidays of Men - Christmas - "Jesus" is the Name of The Son of God
- See: Regarding Sacred Names; The Messiah - The Messiah Descended Into "Hell" and On the Third Day He Rose Again
- See: Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; [Also see; YahuShua... The Lamb of God: The TRUE Chronology of The Messiah’s Crucifixion and Resurrection] - The Messiah Died on Friday and Rose From the Dead on Sunday
- See: YahuShua... The Lamb of God: The TRUE Chronology of The Messiah’s Crucifixion and Resurrection - The Messiah Is Truly Like the One Depicted In Churches
- See: Regarding "Another Messiah"; [Also see: The Messiah] - YahuShua (Jesus) The Messiah is Not to be Worshiped (Uncommon)
- See: Regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses; The Father and The Son are One; [Also see: The Messiah; Regarding Sacred Names]
The Millennial Kingdom
- There Will Be No 1000-year Reign of Messiah on Earth (Uncommon)
- See: Regarding The Kingdom and Heaven
Materialism; Prosperity
- God desires all believers in Messiah to be rich.
- See: God Speaks About Materialism
Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Bible
- The Apostle Paul Was a False Apostle (Uncommon)
- See: Regarding the Apostle Paul - The Bible Contains All of the Spiritual Truth God Intends to Reveal (Prophecy and the Canon of Scripture Is Closed)
- See: The Volumes of Truth; Regarding Prophets (True); TrumpetCallofGodOnline.com - The King James Version of the Bible is the Only Correct Translation
- See: Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures; [Also see: Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God] - No One Can Understand the Book of Revelation
- See: Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures; [Also see: Regarding the Day of The Lord; Regarding the Birth Pangs] - Noah Cursed Ham and His Son Because Ham Committed a Homosexual Act With Noah, While Noah Was Drunk From the Wine
Or Ham Had Sexual Relations With His Mother, While Noah Was Drunk From the Wine; This is Why Canaan and Ham Were Cursed
Or Ham Impregnated His Mother, While Noah Was Drunk From the Wine, Who Later Gave Birth to Canaan (All Uncommon)
- See: Regarding Noah, Ham and Canaan (Genesis 9:20-27) - Twisting and/or Ignoring Certain Scriptures to Uphold Established Church Doctrine and/or Tradition
- See: Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God; Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures
The Name of The Lord
- Calling YAHUWAH or YAHUSHUA “God” or “Lord” Is Wrong
- See: One Lord, One God, One Savior; Regarding Sacred Names - "Jesus" Is the Name of The Son of God
- See: Regarding Sacred Names; The Messiah - God's Name Must Be Spelled and Pronounced in Ancient Ways Rather Than Any Modern Way
- See: Regarding Sacred Names
Original Sin
- Babies Are Born Sinful and/or With Sin ("The Doctrine of Original Sin")
- See: Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven
- Good Parenting Requires Spanking
- See: Regarding Parenting; [Also see: Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God] - "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child" Means Not to Discipline your Children at All
- See: Regarding Parenting; [Also see: Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God]
- God No Longer Sends Prophets
- See: Regarding Prophets (True); [Also see: Regarding Prophets (False); Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses] - The Bible Contains All of the Spiritual Truth God Intends to Reveal (Prophecy and the Canon of Scripture Is Closed)
- See: The Volumes of Truth; Regarding Prophets (True); TrumpetCallofGodOnline.com
The "Rapture"
- God's People Will Not Be Taken OUT OF the Day of The Lord
- See: Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture")
The Sabbath
- The Christian Day of Worship Is the First Day of the Week
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - The Sabbath Is Outdated and/or Is Only for The Jews
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - The Sabbath Was Done Away With at the Cross of Christ
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - Every Day Believers Fulfill The Sabbath Day Command As They Put Aside Works-Based Righteousness.
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - The Sabbath Was Moved From the Seventh Day of the Week (Saturday) to the First Day of the Week (Sunday)
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - Sunday Is the Sabbath
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath
- Also see: Grace AND The Law (Bible/Letter Study)
- Baptism Is Required for Salvation
- See: Regarding Baptism; [Also see: Regarding Salvation] - Judas Iscariot Is Beyond Redemption
- See: Regarding Judas Iscariot - Repenting With the Mouth Is Enough to Be Saved
- See: Regarding True Repentance; Regarding Being Born Again; [Also see: God Speaks Regarding Those Who Take His Name in Vain] - Faith Is All That God Asks of Us, Obedience Is Not Required
- See: Regarding True Repentance; Regarding Being Born Again; Regarding Obedience - Salvation Can Be Lost
- See: Regarding Salvation - You Can't Be Saved Unless You Go to Church
- See: Regarding Salvation; [Also see: Regarding the Churches of Men] - "You Can't Be Saved Unless You Go to Our Church"
- See: Regarding Salvation; [Also see: Regarding the Churches of Men]
Second Chances
- There Are No Second Chances to Repent After You Die
- See: Regarding the Final Judgment - Judas Iscariot Is Beyond Redemption
- See: Regarding Judas Iscariot
Spiritual Warfare
- "Spiritual Warriors"
- See: Regarding Spiritual Warfare; [Also see: Regarding Demons]
Staying Separate
- You Don't Have to Stay Separate from Unbelievers, Scoffers, the Wicked, Etc.
- See: Regarding Staying Separate; [Also see: Regarding Scoffers]
The Ten Commandments
- Because of Grace We Are Freed From The Law and No Longer Have to Keep The Ten Commandments
- See: Regarding The Ten Commandments - The Holy Spirit Would Never Tell You to Obey The Moral Law (The Ten Commandments)
- See: Thus Says The Lord, by The Spirit of Truth: Obey The Commandments; Regarding The Ten Commandments - The Ten Commandments Are The Law That Was Nailed to the Cross of Christ
- See: Regarding The Ten Commandments - The Ten Commandments Are Obsolete
- See: Regarding The Ten Commandments - The Ten Commandments Were Replaced With the New Covenant
- See: Regarding The Ten Commandments - Obeying One Commandment Can Cause You to Break Another (Uncommon)
- See: Obey God; [Also see: Regarding The Ten Commandments] - The Sabbath Is Outdated and/or Is Only for The Jews
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - The Sabbath Was Done Away With at the Cross of Christ
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - The Sabbath Was Moved From the Seventh Day of the Week (Saturday) to the First Day of the Week (Sunday)
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath - Sunday Is the Sabbath
- See: God Speaks About The Sabbath
- Also see: Grace AND The Law (Bible/Letter Study)
- It Is "Robbing God" to Withhold Tithes and Offerings to Church / Pastors
- See: Regarding Tithing; [Also see: God Speaks Regarding Those Who Steal From Him]
The True Church
- "Our Church Is the True Church"
- See: Regarding The True Church; [Also see: Regarding the Churches of Men]
The Two Witnesses
- The Two Witnesses Symbolically Represent Israel and the Church
- See: Regarding the Two Witnesses - The Two Witnesses Symbolically Represent the Old and New Testament
- See: Regarding the Two Witnesses
The 144,000
- The Number 144,000 Isn't Literal - They represent the Church of Christ as a Whole Over the Past 2000 Years
- See: Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses - The 144,000 Witnesses Are Virgins of Israeli Descent
- See: Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses - The 144,000 Witnesses Come From the Jehovah's Witnesses Church (Uncommon)
- See: Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses; Regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses
More False Doctrines - The Catholic Church
- Numerous False Doctrines and Abominable Practices (to many to list)
- See: Regarding the Catholic Church; God Speaks About Idolatry; God Speaks Regarding Adultery Committed Against Him; God Speaks Regarding Those Who Steal From Him; God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness in His Name; Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures; Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God; I Am The Lord, I Do Not Change; Regarding "Another Messiah"; The Way, The Truth, The Life; God Speaks Regarding Those Who Take His Name in Vain
- Also See: God Speaks About The Sabbath; Regarding The Ten Commandments; Regarding Crucifying The Messiah in Your Heart; Regarding The Holy Spirit; Regarding The Holy Days of God; Regarding the Holidays of Men; Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment; Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven; Regarding True Repentance; Regarding Being Born Again; Regarding Salvation; Regarding Baptism; Regarding Spiritual Warfare; Regarding the First Death; Regarding the Second Death; Regarding Judas Iscariot; Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses; Regarding the Wearing of Jewelry
Related Topics
- Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures
- Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God
- Regarding What is an Abomination to The Lord
- Woe to Those Who...
- Regarding the Churches of Men
- Regarding the Catholic Church
- Regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses
- Regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
- Regarding the United Church of God
- Regarding the Seventh Day Adventist Church
- Regarding "Another Messiah"
- Regarding Who Killed The Messiah
- Lamentations From The Lord
- I Am The Lord, I Do Not Change
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