Regarding The Holy Days of God

Revision as of 15:30, 22 September 2023 by Answerstim (talk | contribs) (The Last Great Day)

Wisdom and Understanding

The Holy Days

The significance of The Holy Days is found
In their meaning and revealed by their order...

Even as all find their fulfillment in The Messiah
And their completion in the coming of The Lord...

Says The Lord.

The Holy Days

Embracing The Gift

The Holy Days are the
Stepping stones to Heaven...

In understanding their meaning shall you
Progress quickly along the path I have laid...

And when I have fulfilled them to the last
The journey shall be complete,
For those who have
Accepted and received...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

Embracing The Gift

The Feasts of The Lord

In these Seven is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God. For the Holy Days are revelation, revealing hidden things kept secret since the world began... Signposts of things to come, a foretaste of The Kingdom, a glimpse into the Glory of God even as the Scriptures, unfolding and coming to light as the will of God is manifest, says The Lord.

Behold, four are fulfilled:
Salvation assured,
Sin and death overcome,
The Spirit given...

Three are coming quickly:
Sin destroyed, evil bound,
My seat taken, Judgment...

A new day, even one thousand years...

Then a short season,

An everlasting day in The Lord!

The Feasts of The Lord

The Salvation Day

The Salvation Day of Men is four-fold...

It was ordained before
The foundation of the world;
Fulfilled at My birth;
Finished at My death on the cross;
And solidified eternally
Upon My resurrection...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

The Salvation Day

3/20/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Beloved, follow Me! Keep the Passover, honor the Holy Days, and remember the Sabbath. Only then will you begin to see, only then will you understand. For the Holy Days are revelation, every Sabbath a blessing, a sign between Me and you that you may know I am The Lord who sanctifies you"

From: Keep The Passover

4/21/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Everlasting who would be man, Immanu El: I was born into the world of the virgin, the chosen vessel by which the salvation of man would come... Growing... Living as all men, yet remaining unspotted from the world, blameless...

Born to die, suffering as no man could endure, the healing of many in the blood of sprinkling... Death... My spirit committed to The Father, all things accomplished, the cup of The Father consumed...

The grain of wheat, The Holy Seed, has fallen and died, planted in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights... For I gave My life as a ransom for many, even unto death; I have the power to lay down My life, and behold, I have the power to take it up again.


And all who believe in Me shall not die, but live,
For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!...

No more tears, no more death, no more pain,
For the old order of things has passed away;
All things restored in glory, the glory of everlasting life!...


Says The Holy One of Israel.


Walking in the Footsteps of The Messiah’s Passion

2/10/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feasts of The Lord)

"Thus says The Lord to those who believe, to those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart which longs to know Me as I truly am: Three are fulfilled, one is, and three are to come, coming quickly. Of the three fulfilled, you shall remember and honor them according to how I command you. The dates and times, the new moons and seasons, are not the focus; rather, YahuShua is the focus. For the significance of these Holy Days is found in their meaning and revealed by their order, even as all find their fulfillment in The Messiah and their completion in the coming of The Lord.
Thus you shall not keep My Holy Days as the world, nor as those held captive in the churches of men, nor shall you follow the futile traditions of the Jews. For those who deny The Son deny The Father also; their worship is in vain. For the Jews reject The Son of Salvation, and the churches of men pollute His name and corrupt His image without ceasing. For they do always follow the dictates of their own hearts, and in their stubbornness they hold fast to religion, embracing the commandments of men, walking in every perverse doctrine and tradition thereof, which I hate!
Therefore you shall set yourselves apart from them, and do all I command you: You shall honor the Passover a week before the time, beginning Tuesday at sundown. You shall walk in the footsteps of Messiah, and remember, blessing His name and giving thanks according to each day He fulfilled in His Passion. Four holy convocations, plus one, shall be kept.

As The Messiah kept The Passover,
So shall you in like manner keep The Passover...

As He was afflicted, you shall fast...

As He slept in the tomb, you shall mourn...

And as He rose from the grave,
You shall rejoice and sing praises...

Behold, you shall complete the week with joy and feasting...

Then later shall you remember The Bridegroom being taken from you,
And rejoice in the Blessed Hope of His soon return.

In this way will you begin to partake of the hidden manna, and your hearts shall be glad, causing you to see with greater eyes; your understanding of the Glory brightening as you enter into a more profound knowledge of the salvation of God, which is accomplished and fulfilled in The Son of Man. For the Holy Days are revelation, revealing hidden things kept secret since the world began; signposts of things to come, a foretaste of the Kingdom, a glimpse into the Glory of God even as the Scriptures, unfolding and coming to light as the will of God is manifest."

Excerpt from:
Walking in the Footsteps of The Messiah’s Passion


4/18/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Messiah who is called Christ, The Holy One of Israel: I am The Lamb of God without spot or blemish, the blood which was shed and placed upon the doorposts,[1] delivering My people from the power of sin,[2] which is death.[3] I am The Passover.[4]
For as it is written in The Law, all things must be purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there can be no remission.[5] Thus no one goes to The Father, unless they receive of Me. Unless they eat My flesh and drink My blood, they have no life in them. For whosoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has everlasting life, and I will raise them up at the Last Day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. Thus all who eat My flesh and drink My blood live in Me, and I in them.
I am The Living Bread which came down from Heaven! If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever! And the bread that I gave was My flesh, which was given for the life of the world. This I have already told you.[6] Therefore keep the Passover in remembrance of Me and My Passion, according to The New Covenant.[7] For it is accomplished, and was sealed forevermore upon My resurrection. For The Lamb was slain, My people redeemed in all the earth; and behold, I am risen, crowned with glory and honor, forever and ever.[8] Amen.

Therefore, again I say to you, celebrate Passover, yet not as in the days of Moses; nor as the unbelieving in Israel, upon whom the veil remains, for they have yet to look upon Me.[9] For the Passover was a signpost, a shadow of glorious things to come.[10] Read the writing thereof and have understanding, take its meaning to heart.[11] For the Holy Days are revelation, the Plan of the Ages revealed.

Therefore rejoice, My people, for your Redeemer lives!
Death has passed over you!...

Therefore eat, drink, and give thanks
In remembrance of Me, and I shall also
Remember you in the day I gather My own...

Then shall you truly know Me,
Just as I have always known you,
Even from the foundation of the world...

Says He who is, and was, and is to come,[12]
YahuShua, The Salvation of God.

I Am The Passover and The Lamb,
The New Covenant with Men

3/20/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: My children, keep The Passover. Keep it according to the New Covenant, in faith and love, and remember.

Yet you who call of yourselves Christian do always dishonor Me. Behold, you pollute the glory of My sacrifice with filthy traditions and desecrate My resurrection with pagan practices, forsaking those things which you were to keep holy and remember, nor will you incline the ear. Churches of men, know you not that in these Seven (the Holy Days) is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God?! Yet you choose vanities on top of vanities, embracing corrupt doctrine and pagan-laced tradition, placing your stamp of approval on them. For you are a most perverse and adulterous generation.
Churches of men, I am not of this world, yet you are of this world. Thus only those who obey My voice trust in Me, and only those who embrace Me as I truly am are set apart. For I live in them and they follow Me. You claim you trust in Me and that I live in you, yet not one of you obeys My voice; indeed, you ignore My example and refuse to walk in My ways. For if I truly lived in you, then you would do as I did.
Beloved, follow Me! Keep the Passover, honor the Holy Days, and remember the Sabbath. Only then will you begin to see, only then will you understand. For the Holy Days are revelation, every Sabbath a blessing, a sign between Me and you that you may know I am The Lord who sanctifies you.

And behold, four are fulfilled:
Salvation assured, sin and death overcome, the Spirit given...

Three are coming quickly:
Sin destroyed, evil bound, My seat taken, Judgment...

A new day, even one thousand years...

Then a short season, consummation...

An everlasting day in The Lord!...

Amen, and amen.

Keep The Passover

2/10/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feasts of The Lord)

"Therefore you shall set yourselves apart from them, and do all I command you: You shall honor the Passover a week before the time, beginning Tuesday at sundown. You shall walk in the footsteps of Messiah, and remember, blessing His name and giving thanks according to each day He fulfilled in His Passion. Four holy convocations, plus one, shall be kept.

As The Messiah kept The Passover,
So shall you in like manner keep The Passover...

As He was afflicted, you shall fast...

As He slept in the tomb, you shall mourn...

And as He rose from the grave,
You shall rejoice and sing praises...

Behold, you shall complete the week with joy and feasting..."

Excerpt from:
Walking in the Footsteps of The Messiah’s Passion

4/21/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Everlasting who would be man, Immanu El: I was born into the world of the virgin, the chosen vessel by which the salvation of man would come... Growing... Living as all men, yet remaining unspotted from the world, blameless...

Born to die, suffering as no man could endure, the healing of many in the blood of sprinkling... Death... My spirit committed to The Father, all things accomplished, the cup of The Father consumed..."

Excerpt from: I AM RISEN

The Feast of Unleavened Bread

4/25/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread)

Listen and have understanding, for thus says The Lord your Redeemer: Only those who truly believe keep the Passover. To them it is a memorial, a time of reflection and the giving of thanks, a Sabbath.

Therefore, Timothy, Do not your own pleasure on The Holy Days or on the Sabbath.[13] Rather do that which pleases The Lord your God. Keep the feasts holy, and cause your life to follow suit; unleaven your heart. Discern what is most needful, and when in doubt, ask.
And concerning the rites and ceremonial symbols of the feasts, consider their meaning and rejoice in their fulfillment, for it is accomplished. Do not agonize over the details, nor stumble over the letter. And concerning that which you partake of for the body, it is of little consequence. Rather feast upon that which sustains your soul. Remember Me and My Passion, as I have shown you; offer up thanksgiving, and consider your salvation and The Loving Mercy of God. For the intent of one’s heart speaks volumes more than the offering put forth by their hands.
Yet I tell you the truth, many will there be who enter the Kingdom of Heaven, who did not keep the feasts of The Lord. And many will there be left standing outside the gates, who kept the feasts of The Lord. For those without the gate retain their sin, for they hold fast to malice and have not yet departed from wickedness.[14] Yet the hearts of the first election are filled with compassion and a sincere desire to walk in My ways, having called upon My name in sincerity and in truth, as they bring forth new works meet for repentance.[15] For where there are righteous works, there are also those who seek to spoil them for the sake of pride and envy. And where there is pure knowledge, there are also those who defile it among women1. Take heed, therefore, and remember My teaching: Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.[16] For their like still exists today; only their names and vesture have changed.

Yet the ignorance of the meek is no cause for offense,
Nor shall the error of the humble bring forth rebuke;
For I know the heart and look upon the innermost intentions[17]...

Therefore keep the feast, not with the old leaven,
Nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness,
But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth,
As it is written in accordance with the New Covenant[18]...

Says The Lord.

Do This in Remembrance of Me

  1. ↑ “Women” in this context refers to the churches of men.

4/19/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feast of Unleavened Bread)

Thus says The Lord, The Risen One, your Redeemer: I had come to you as a man, clothed in the flesh, humble; My glory set aside, God become man, Immanu El... Living as all have lived in the body, yet not as man lives in the spirit; for I am clean, having no sin in My body, nor in My spirit, having obeyed every command of The Father - blameless.

Thus says The Lord God: Behold The Lamb of God without spot or blemish, sent to die for the sins of the world, bearing the full weight of transgression in His own body; the perfect sacrifice, acceptable to God, whereby all men are reconciled to The Father if they so choose to receive of The Free Gift, becoming once again My sons and daughters, free to enter the Garden and My love, from which they shall never again depart.

Thus says The Risen Lamb: Therefore, as I have unleavened all men by My sacrifice, in the same way must those who live in Me crucify their lives daily, bearing their cross after Me. For the first six days of the feast shall be for a physical representation of My command to you: You are forgiven, now go out and sin no more. Be then separate from the ways of this world and the churches of men, and be for Me a strange and peculiar people who remain in My love, even as I kept The Father’s commands and remain in His love.
And the seventh day, it is the consummation of the six gone before, a holy convocation, the cleansing completed, a rest from all works against temptation and the many snares of the evil one. For I am coming quickly, and I shall make a complete end of all iniquity, of all things which lead My people into sin. For I had come at the first to unleaven all men, to heal the hearts of all who receive of Me, to bring peace to the minds of all who believe in Me, to set the captives free - I am The Passover! And now I am returning to make a complete end of all leaven which fills this world; behold, in a week and in the Day shall I accomplish it. Then rest, peace, one thousand years.
So then, My children, even all who gather together in My name, have understanding of the Plan of the Ages. In the sixth day, the leaven of sin entered the Garden; and on the seventh, God rested, and blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. Thus here is wisdom: Six days, creation; the seventh, rest, holy. Six days since Adam; the seventh, rest, holy. Six days shall you labor; the seventh, rest, holy. Six days shall you feast; the seventh, rest, holy.

Therefore, eat and drink in remembrance of Me;
Be filled with the glory of The Lord!
For I died; behold, I am risen!...

Says The Amen, The Firstborn from the dead,
YahuShua HaMashiach, Lord and Savior of men.

From: Unleavened

3/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the preparation of unleavened bread during The Feast of Unleavened Bread)

Thus says The Lord to His servants: You shall partake only of that which is molded by the hands of a believing bride in each household, doing so with love and great joy in remembrance of Me. For I am He who molded you, and yet molds you still, even as I had unleavened you from the beginning by My sacrifice, remembering you during My Passion.
Therefore, take and eat of that which I have provided. Do not go roundabout, nor seek that which is created by the hands of men; accept no replacements. Rather trust in My ways and see with greater eyes, rejoicing in every act of devotion, for I AM HE.
Yet for those of you who have no wife, or dwell with a spouse who remains unwilling, you shall prepare the bread with your own hands, and be set apart for these seven days of the feast.

Thus concerning spouses who remain rebellious, I say this: Ask of them nothing, nor partake of anything they offer during My Holy Days. For they have shown themselves unworthy of Me.
For though you are two of one flesh by marriage, a division in spirit has occurred. And as it is written: Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.[19] Thus in the same way, when a division occurs on earth because of Me, so also is there a division in Heaven, says The Lord.

For My bride cleaves to Me, she honors Me
And walks in My ways, and remains faithful...

Yet any who claim to be My bride, who knowingly
Commit adultery with the pagan and the heathen,
While cleaving to the ways of this world
Or the churches of men, dishonor Me...

Thus between us a great gulf has formed...

And so shall it remain, until the day comes
And is fulfilled, when she cries out, saying,
“Blessed is He who comes in The Name of The Lord!”

From: Devotion

2/10/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feasts of The Lord)

"Therefore you shall set yourselves apart from them, and do all I command you: You shall honor the Passover a week before the time, beginning Tuesday at sundown. You shall walk in the footsteps of Messiah, and remember, blessing His name and giving thanks according to each day He fulfilled in His Passion. Four holy convocations, plus one, shall be kept.

As The Messiah kept The Passover,
So shall you in like manner keep The Passover...

As He was afflicted, you shall fast...

As He slept in the tomb, you shall mourn...

And as He rose from the grave,
You shall rejoice and sing praises...

Behold, you shall complete the week with joy and feasting..."

Excerpt from:
Walking in the Footsteps of The Messiah’s Passion

4/21/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"The grain of wheat, The Holy Seed, has fallen and died, planted in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights... For I gave My life as a ransom for many, even unto death; I have the power to lay down My life, and behold, I have the power to take it up again..."

Excerpt from: I AM RISEN


4/21/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Everlasting who would be man, Immanu El: I was born into the world of the virgin, the chosen vessel by which the salvation of man would come... Growing... Living as all men, yet remaining unspotted from the world, blameless...

Born to die, suffering as no man could endure, the healing of many in the blood of sprinkling... Death... My spirit committed to The Father, all things accomplished, the cup of The Father consumed...

The grain of wheat, The Holy Seed, has fallen and died, planted in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights... For I gave My life as a ransom for many, even unto death; I have the power to lay down My life, and behold, I have the power to take it up again.


And all who believe in Me shall not die, but live,
For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!...

No more tears, no more death, no more pain,
For the old order of things has passed away;
All things restored in glory, the glory of everlasting life!...


Says The Holy One of Israel.


2/10/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feasts of The Lord)

"Therefore you shall set yourselves apart from them, and do all I command you: You shall honor the Passover a week before the time, beginning Tuesday at sundown. You shall walk in the footsteps of Messiah, and remember, blessing His name and giving thanks according to each day He fulfilled in His Passion. Four holy convocations, plus one, shall be kept.

As The Messiah kept The Passover,
So shall you in like manner keep The Passover...

As He was afflicted, you shall fast...

As He slept in the tomb, you shall mourn...

And as He rose from the grave,
You shall rejoice and sing praises..."

Excerpt from:
Walking in the Footsteps of The Messiah’s Passion


5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

This question was asked of The Lord, for a sister in Christ: Lord, is this really the last Pentecost?

"[The Lord answered] Beloved, I have poured out My spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning. Yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. I have brought forth the rains in their due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes and bears only bitter fruit. Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear, few are willing to open their heart and truly listen. I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left. Their knowledge is corrupt; all their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature. For they do not retain God in their thoughts, and from the holy they are far removed."


"I have poured out My spirit, yet they refuse to drink!
I have spoken to them, yet they shut their ears to My voice!
I have sent My messengers to them, yet they cast them out
With great anger and violence, persecuting and slandering them!...

Behold, even the least of these, My servants, have been
Mistreated by these so-called people of faith!...



"Therefore I shall indeed remove My hand, and My spirit shall return to Me. Behold, from every individual who refuses to give heed to My voice and embrace My correction has it departed already.
Yet let all those who remain in My love understand and have peace. For though My spirit departs from the multitudes and the ensuing darkness be thick, though wickedness overflows and every man of pride who being wise in his own eyes is left confounded, I shall not make a total end. For My hand shall remain with the faithful, and My strength shall be revealed in My anointed. Behold, My spirit shall well up within the hearts of the penitent and come upon My chosen as a welcomed rain, and they shall be greatly increased, shining ever brighter, even amidst thick clouds and darkness."

Excerpts from:
I Shall Remove My Hand and My Spirit Shall Be Withdrawn...
And That Purposed from the Beginning Shall Be Done,
It Shall Be Accomplished Swiftly

6/6/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
An addendum to “Spiritual Famine

"Little flock, hear and understand the will and discipline of The Lord Most High. For I tell you the truth, Pentecost has been fulfilled; behold, it has passed them by unawares. Yet for some it remains, and shall also continue until the time. For many are called, yet few are chosen. Therefore have compassion and pray for them, beloved."


"Beloved, here is wisdom: The penitent wait and bow down in thanksgiving. Yet the arrogant and false righteous stand up proudly, declaring their deliverance, a deliverance which has already passed and shall not come. For My hand is removed and My spirit taken. For only those in whom I see of Myself shall escape, and only those caught in My embrace shall fly away.
Thus as you were made to wait, so shall these within the churches of men wait. For they wait for a sound they no longer recognize, for a call to which they have shut their ears, for a shout from Him whom they have not known, a voice they have altogether rejected. For how can one who rejects My voice heed the call? And how can one who turns away from Me, embrace Me when the shout is made? For they have surely joined themselves to another, they embrace another messiah, a false christ, who looks nothing like Me. Therefore they shall surely pass through the fire, for by no other means shall they be saved.[20]

This then is what I command you, little flock:
Have compassion, and pray for your brothers and sisters
In the churches of men and for the unbelieving of Israel;
For they must endure much for the sake of My name...

And though the day has passed, lo it has ceased
For many, it has not altogether passed away...

For My spirit remains with the first election,
And shall be restored to the penitent after...

Says The Lord."

Excerpts from: Pentecost

5/14/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For this Pentecost is and shall be, yet is not and shall be no longer. Therefore you shall indeed keep this day, which is set apart, holy."


"And so that which was begun shall be finished; the first of two is ending, and the second is about to begin; even as three are accomplished, one is ending, and three wait upon the horizon, soon to be fulfilled."

Excerpts from:
A Trying of Your Trust, a Testing of Your Resolve...
Your Faith Revealed

The Feast of Trumpets

9/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the Feast of Trumpets)

Thus says The Lord to His servants: Beloved ones, hear My words. For I have indeed set you apart to do My will. Therefore you shall honor and celebrate this feast in My name. You shall do all I command you, even that which the world and other believers do not yet understand.
This night, you shall blow the trumpet as the sun dips below the horizon, doing so with great sorrow in your hearts, because of that which this world has chosen in all their forsaking of Me; even as a lamentation over all this wickedness mankind has wrought in the earth, which shall come to a swift end at the setting of the sun upon this age of men. Then when morning comes, you shall once again sound the trumpet as the sun breaks the horizon, doing so with great joy in your hearts... For My Kingdom comes!

From: To Be Set Apart

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, little flock, perk up your ears and listen, all you who call on My name, for the mouth of The Lord has spoken: Behold, there is a day coming quickly, a day and hour which remains unknown to you, in which I will call you to stop what you are doing that you may come out and worship Me. I will call you to keep this day holy, and you shall do no work, and it shall be to you a Sabbath. And lo, it shall also be fulfilled a second time, says The Lord."

Excerpt from: I Am Calling You Out! (Part 1)

The Day of Atonement

2010 Wisdom Given to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding The Day of Atonement)

Let this day be an offering of abstinence in purity to The Lord, a giving of thanks for your sins atoned for by The Messiah YahuShua; not atonement for your sins, of yourselves, but a free will offering in the name of The Lord your God and Him crucified, rejoicing in the anticipation of The Blessed Hope.
And behold, He shall sit upon the throne of His glory and judge the nations. He shall utterly destroy all wickedness from this world, wiping away all that is sin and that which has led His people astray.

And that which was shut shall be opened,
And that which was open shall be shut in that Day,
Says The Lord.

From: Atonement

The Feast of Tabernacles

- See: Regarding The Kingdom and Heaven and A Return to the Garden

The Last Great Day

- See: Eternity with The Lord and A Return to the Garden

Forsake the Holidays, Embrace The Holy Days

11/17/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For you cast off knowledge, and refuse to honor the appointed times which The Father commanded you to keep holy and remember. Thus My people are indeed destroyed for lack of knowledge, as it is written.[21]

How long shall you mar My image before the people?!
How long shall My name be blasphemed
Because of you, O churches of men?!...

How long shall you commit adultery with the
Harlot and revel in the idolatries of the pagan?!
How long shall you remain married to this world
And all its fornications against God?!...

Again I tell you, ALL religions, religious rituals
And celebrations, rooted deeply in paganism,
Are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God!"


"You wish to celebrate My name and My earthly birth, do so; yea, bring glory to My name by your obedience, set apart. You wish to enjoy festivals with your family, do so; I have given you seven.[22] And in these seven is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God, revelation beyond words, the will of God made manifest. Yet no more do as the pagans and false teachers would have you do."

Excerpts from: Regarding the Celebration of Christmas

Video-Letters Regarding The Holy Days

Bible Study: The TRUE Chronology of The Messiah’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

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