Regarding the Day and Hour Unknown

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The Day and Hour of The Lord's Coming

Keep Watch

Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the first election is made, the time of bundling passed. Thick clouds have risen in the west, the hard rains have come, and who in all the earth is able to prevent it as it draws near, or hinder it when it arrives? Lo, a mighty wind blows in the east, yet who is aware of it, until it has overtaken them?

Therefore, keep watch,
For you know not the time
Of The Lord’s coming...

Whether it be in the first,
Or in the second,
Or in the third watch of the night,
You know not the time of His return...

You know not the day or the hour...

Says The Lord.

From: Keep Watch

1/6/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

A brother in Christ asked: Is it OK to tell people The Lord is returning this year to gather, or is this date-setting?

[The Lord answered] Have I not spoken to this already? (Matthew 24:36)

Therefore before I gather, say to them: “Behold, The Bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet Him!”

And after, say to them: “I am a voice crying out in the midst of desolations and strong judgment, shouting the name of glory and pure righteousness, a trumpet of God until the end - MAKE WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD!”

From: A Shout and a Trumpet

9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, I have called out My servants, I have searched their hearts; lo, they are ready to be set in their places. My house is set in order, every place is prepared, I am ready to receive My guests. My army is assembled, each man is being moved into position, each man to his appointment. And lo, the sickles are placed in the hands of the reapers, the first harvest is ready... Behold, The Ladder reaches from the earth to Heaven!
Ears open, the Trumpet is raised, and The Son of Man is eager to open His mouth. Make ready and prepare, for I have declared neither the day nor the hour. Yet the season is made plain, and the days of revelation are upon you.
Wait and watch, therefore, for The Son of Man is sent down; My Word does not lie. And though many twist and turn My words to their own advantage, aligning them with their own expectation, to their own hurt, My words do not lie. My every Letter shall come to pass, according to My will... And oh what a cry shall be heard, oh what an uproar shall ensue, and much gnashing of teeth! Yet The Holy One is sent down, and behold, the bride says, “God is with us!”

My Word lies not!...

The Shepherd is sent down and gathers together His sheep;
He beckons to every lamb, drawing them close...

And in a day you do not expect, and at an hour
You can not predict, He shall pass through the gate
And His sheep with Him, and every lamb...


Excerpt from:
Enemies of The Lord, Come Forth

7/28/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, the day and hour is close at hand,
Yea it is very near, when the dead in Messiah
Shall arise and the sleepers shall awake,
When the rotting corpses are revived
And the dust gathers together once again...

From one end of the earth to the other,
Even from the deepest depths, shall My people
Rise up and give Me glory!...

Therefore let the children of Israel prepare,
Let everyone joined to Messiah step forward
And claim their inheritance...

For I have but to call out your name!...

Says The Holy One of Israel."

Excerpt from: God of the Living

10/7/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: If The Son of Man is coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and every eye shall see Him, how then does He also come as a thief?

Here is wisdom: The Son of Man comes at a day and hour unknown, to spoil the house of the strong man. And that which belongs to The Lord shall be taken, and that which is of the strong man shall be left. For The Son of Man comes first as spirit poured out on the nations, to call upon His elect. Behold, He shall pass through the multitudes and peer deep into the heart of every vessel, and bundle them together. And on a day which no one knows, at an hour no one can predict, The Son of Man shall come as a thief and steal them away. Then shall the lawless one be revealed, whom The Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming, as it is written. I AM THE LORD.

As God Is Three Aspects, All as One,
So Too Is the Coming of The Son of Man

5/31/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Those in Men’s Fellowship, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, even some among this little flock shall fall away, saying within themselves, “Where is the promise of His coming?”[1] Yet you, My sons, don’t you fall away - hold fast.

Set your feet solidly upon The Rock,
Fix your eyes upon The King,
Set your shoulders straight
And stand fast in battle array...

For The Holy One is coming down,
On a day which no one knows,
And at an hour you do not expect...

Therefore prepare and make ready...

It is time."

Excerpt from: Stand Fast

10/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"And still you speak deceits within your hearts, saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? The year draws to a close and no one is gathered”[2] - Faithless servants! Blind children! Not one word I have spoken shall by any means pass away, nor shall one word of My prophets fall to the ground! Indeed ALL shall serve My purpose, and come to pass according to MY will. For as it is written: The vision is yet for the appointed time, it hastens, and in the end it will speak; behold, it shall testify loudly. And though it tarries, wait for it, for it shall surely come, it will not tarry.[3]

Beloved, stop looking upon My words
With tainted eyes and narrow vision;
Stop staring at My messengers;
Look past them and see with greater eyes...

For I tell you the truth,
Your expectations shall never be met,
Your assumptions shall fall short,
And your every private interpretation shall fail...

Yet I remain faithful, and My Word true...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from: Narrow Vision

7/26/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, with a shout and with a mighty
Trumpet blast, it comes very quickly!...

And though your ears do not hear
And your eyes do not see, that which
I have declared shall surely come,
And woe to those who are left!...

For in a moment, and on a day you
Do not expect, your hearts shall be pierced
And your every false expectation struck through!...

For as the scythe cuts through the stalk,
As the sweeping blow fells many plants at once,
So shall the sharpness of realization cut to the heart
Of this people, and in that same moment the
Loftiness of many shall be brought down...

Behold, multitudes shall fall hard upon the ground!...

Declares The Lord."

Excerpt from: ABASEMENT

1/31/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Did I not say to you that all your knowledge was useless,[4] and all your thoughts and imaginings were in vain? For I am The Lord, and I shall surely do according to the counsel of My own will.[5]"

Excerpt from: You Have Entered In

The Day and Hour of God's Wrath

2/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore as it is written: Kiss The Son, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. For most assuredly, I say to you, the fire is already kindled, and on a day you did not look for and at an hour you did not expect, the cup of My fury shall be poured out; behold, it shall be imparted in full!"

From: The Mountains Shall Crumble and Fall Upon the Desolate

3/7/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Yet the vessels of wrath shall never be established; they shall be ground to dust beneath My feet!
Behold, even now their life pours out of them! For pride strangles the strongest among them, arrogance eats the flesh of the mighty man, and the proud look of the oppressor shall bring desolations and plagues upon him! For The Lord your God is great in power, and the strength of The Lord is made ready! The Word of The Lord has spoken and shall surely strike through, from the piercing of the heart to the stealing of the breath!
For this most wicked generation has surely robbed Me; thus I shall also rob them! Says The Lord. Their lives are forfeit, and shall be required of them in one day! Behold, in a day they did not look for, and at a time they did not expect, their hearts shall be stilled in death and their breath shall flee away!"

Excerpt from: Established

8/23/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For the people have forsaken Me, and those within the churches of men refuse to accept Me as I am, nor do they seek to understand. And when I warn them of My wrath or speak of My anger, they do always turn to Me a deaf ear. For they can not bear to listen; indeed, they refuse to understand! Behold, they hate the sound of My voice, and will not give heed to My correction, persecuting all those I send! Beloved, they no longer recognize Me, and want no part with Me as I truly am.

Therefore My wrath shall come upon them
On a day they did not look for,
And My anger at an hour they did not expect...

Behold, upon the whole world shall I
Pour out judgment on that day!...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from:
Breaking Through the Lines

7/5/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, O most perverse and deceitful generation, for thus says The Lord: Lie not to yourselves; cease from all these deceptions which you have propagated in all the earth! For My Word is law and shall by NO means pass away, nor shall even one tittle fall to the ground! Nor shall the words of My prophets fail, for I have sent them! Therefore touch not My prophets, nor seek to do them any harm, lest your every evil thought and intention be returned atop your own head, and that which you have done against The Lord your God is repaid ten-fold into your bosom! Thus every stone you cast at My servants, in word or by deed, is stored up, and shall be released on a day you did not look for and at an hour you did not expect as a testament against you! And those who seek to murder My chosen shall die by My hand; indeed, all who rush forward to kill My prophets shall be struck down where they stand! For strong is The Lord, and powerful is the sword which proceeds from My mouth!"

Excerpt from: The Alarm of War

9/29/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Therefore, thus says The Lord to the churches of men and to all who lead them: You shall stay silent and open not your mouths. And you shall give heed to My every decree, and now strive to obey ALL My Commandments. Yet forbear and speak, and I Myself shall come against you, on a day you did not look for and at an hour you did not expect, striking you dumb, leaving you mute for a whole season, abased in the sight of many witnesses!"

Excerpt from:
The Prophets Are Sent Out, True and False;
The High-Minded Abased, the Lowly Uplifted...
The Great and Terrible Day of The Lord
Is Near, and Who Shall Stand

4/28/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Watchmen, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"My watchmen, pick up the Trumpet and turn toward the churches of men and declare the Word of My mouth, that the sound of My voice may humble them. Yet if they will by no means be humbled upon hearing the Word of The Lord, behold, on a day they do not know and at an hour they do not expect, I will come forth from My place and strip them naked and pour out all their riches upon the ground. Lo, I will sift them and bring forth a remnant, even from the midst of them, and they shall be left all alone in bewilderment and tears."

Excerpt from: Blow the Trumpet, Sound the Alarm

10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"I have already brought forth and purposed ruin. Yes, upon this generation and upon the churches of men, I have purposed great ruin! I have prepared destruction, and shall bring forth calamity upon all these houses which bear My name without permission! For I shall strip away every roof under which you have endeavored to take sanctuary, and break down every wall behind which you attempted to fortify your position! For you have surely rebelled against Me, desecrating the truth of who I am, all for the sake of your unjust cause! Behold, My judgment is declared already, and shall come, and on a day you do not expect and at an hour you did not look for, disaster shall break out suddenly against you! Behold, it shall overtake you in a moment, and in the twinkling of an eye the multitudes shall be undone! Says The Lord."

Excerpt from:
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 2)...
Come Out of the Churches of Men and I Will Receive You! Says The Lord

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