Regarding the First and Second Resurrection

The First Resurrection (Section One)

11/15/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the state of the dead[1])

"Thus says The Lord: All people sleep in death, both those who have done good and those who have done evil. In no way are they among the living, nor are they aware. They know nothing at all, for all their thoughts have perished with them.[2] All remain at rest, until the day I call them to awake; some to the first, the resurrection of life, and many more to the second, the resurrection of judgment.[3] Blessed and holy are those who take part in the first resurrection. For over them the second death[4] has no power, as it is written.[5]"


"Yet The Messiah did indeed pay the penalty for your sins, even unto death... He is risen, the firstborn from the dead;[6] by which you are also delivered from death, if you so choose to receive of His life, if you so choose to embrace Him as He truly is!

For He alone will stretch out His hand in that day
And lift His beloved from the grave in which all must sleep,
Save those who remain awake at His coming, as it is written[7]...

And behold, the time is indeed coming, when all
Who are in the grave will hear His voice and come out...

Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life...

And those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment[8]...


Excerpts from: Death and Awakening

9/3/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For to kill is to kill, even of one’s self. Yet I tell you the truth, they are twice murdered; slain first in their heart by the devil, then in their body at their own hand. Are they lost? No. For even one dead at their own hand, coerced by the devil, will live again. For I am He who shall call forth both the first and the second."

Excerpt from: Twice Murdered

8/29/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"And what is man, that he should be created in My image, the image of The Son of Man? For within man is My breath; I gave him life. He was made through Me and for Me; I caused him to be. It was My own blood which was shed for him, My own life which was poured out, even unto death. Therefore all those who come to Me and drink shall be made new; whether awake or sleeping, all My beloved shall arise and live. For I AM HE, The Resurrection and The Life."

Excerpt from: What Is Man?

6/2/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore, again I say to you, all those who repent in My name, with sincere remorse in their hearts, are saved. For I am The One who makes it possible for them to do so.

And though some have fallen asleep in death,
And others are slain, even by their own hand,
I ask you, shall death have the last word?...

BY NO MEANS! For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!...

For I have granted them the victory, even as I am The Victory,
Being the First Fruits from death...

Even as those given Me shall likewise be first
When the shout is made...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from: From Betrayal to Victory

7/28/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord: Who shall praise Me from the pit? What song is heard from the grave? Shall rotting flesh stand up and praise The God of Israel? Shall those turned to dust give Me glory?
Thus I tell you a mystery, behold, I speak to you a wonder: There is a people who sleep and a flesh which has no life in it, there are many who have been lost to the depths, a great multitude who have returned to the dust of the earth and can not be found, yet The Lord God knows their names and their dwelling places. Not one has passed from My sight, not one has been given up to the void. For I am God of the living, The One alone worthy of all praise!
I am not God of the dead, but of the living![9] For the dead have no ruler. There is no life in them; even all their thoughts have perished with them.[10] No voice is heard from the grave; only complete and utter silence dwells there - darkness without time.[11] For from the dust I created them, and to the dust they return. By My breath they were made alive, and without My breath they fall asleep.[12] In the image of The Son were My beloved created,[13] and in His likeness shall they be restored.

Behold, the day and hour is close at hand,
Yea it is very near, when the dead in Messiah
Shall arise and the sleepers shall awake,
When the rotting corpses are revived
And the dust gathers together once again...

From one end of the earth to the other,
Even from the deepest depths, shall My people
Rise up and give Me glory!...

Therefore let the children of Israel prepare,
Let everyone joined to Messiah step forward
And claim their inheritance...

For I have but to call out your name!...

Says The Holy One of Israel.

From: God of the Living

1/14/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus all those who believe in The Son
And obey His voice shall rise and live...

Yet those who hate The Son will not see Life,
For the wrath of God remains upon them[14]...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from:
Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men

The First Resurrection (Section Two)

12/5/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold! Look! For The Lord your God shall do a new thing, a new and terrible thing, an astonishment, a great wonder, the likes of which this world has never seen! The faces of the multitudes shall pale, the hearts of many shall fail them for fear! Many shall collapse, gathering blackness, on account of that which is coming to pass before their eyes! - The mighty and awesome power of The Lord your God put on open display! For who can stand against His coming?! Who will not fall down at the sound of His voice?!

Thus says The Lord: It is time. My hand shall reach down; lo, it shall plunge into the earth. It shall pass through every tomb and every mausoleum, through every grave. Behold, My hand shall pass through the dust and sift the sands of the desert.
Even unto the depths of the sea, My hand shall grab hold, and the whole earth shall give up its dead - Every child of God, every servant of The Most High, every sheep beloved of The Shepherd. Then shall I turn to the multitudes and pass through; behold, I shall pass through and steal them away! - Babes from every womb, children from every corner, and My elect from every nation!

The world shall be left utterly desolate and in tears;
Heavy sorrows shall overtake every land!...

Behold, an outcry shall rise up
Such as has never been heard!
Much weeping and lamentation, anger and many
Raised fists, a great gnashing of teeth!...

Yes, among every tribe, people and nation,
A great noise shall be heard!
For three full days it shall not subside,
And for three full nights it shall not lessen...

Thus shall their first reward be given,
For they have shown themselves fully worthy;
Then shall they know, I AM THE LORD!"

Excerpt from: A New and Terrible Thing

5/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Behold, The Glory of God breaks through the clouds,
A mighty trumpet blast sounds in all the earth!...

From the heights of the mountains to the deepest depths,
Life bursts forth in the bodies of the dead!...

Behold, a loud voice is heard from Heaven:

Excerpt from: Gathered

9/3/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus says The Lord: The penalty of sin is death. Thus all who have sinned shall surely die, all shall lie down in death. Yet there is a people who shall not sleep, nor shall they lie down in death; a people who shall be awake at My coming, a people who have received of the divine gift, a people who know Me and in whom I am known, for I see of Myself within them. They shall be lifted up, not preceding those who have fallen asleep in Messiah. This is the first harvest and resurrection."

Excerpt from:
The Judgment of God Is True and Without Question,
Yet the Error of the People Is Great

11/3/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"And though many will be brought low,
Even down to the depths of darkness and despair,
Behold, from the depths I shall raise them up,
Even high above the heavens!...

Even from the ashes shall I bring them forth,
And they shall give Me perfect praise in the
Tabernacle of My glory!...

And so it is fulfilled, and shall also come to pass:
The first shall be last, and the last shall be first partakers of the glory;
Yet all will be saved according to the number The Lord shall call."

Excerpt from: Warn Them from Me, Says The Lord

4/21/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear


And all who believe in Me shall not die, but live,
For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!...

No more tears, no more death, no more pain,
For the old order of things has passed away;
All things restored in glory, the glory of everlasting life!...


Says The Holy One of Israel.

Excerpt from: I AM RISEN

The Second Resurrection

11/15/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the state of the dead[15])

"Thus says The Lord: All people sleep in death, both those who have done good and those who have done evil. In no way are they among the living, nor are they aware. They know nothing at all, for all their thoughts have perished with them.[16] All remain at rest, until the day I call them to awake; some to the first, the resurrection of life, and many more to the second, the resurrection of judgment.[17] Blessed and holy are those who take part in the first resurrection. For over them the second death[18] has no power, as it is written.[19]"


"Yet The Messiah did indeed pay the penalty for your sins, even unto death... He is risen, the firstborn from the dead;[20] by which you are also delivered from death, if you so choose to receive of His life, if you so choose to embrace Him as He truly is!

For He alone will stretch out His hand in that day
And lift His beloved from the grave in which all must sleep,
Save those who remain awake at His coming, as it is written[21]...

And behold, the time is indeed coming, when all
Who are in the grave will hear His voice and come out...

Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life...

And those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment[22]...


Excerpts from: Death and Awakening

9/3/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For to kill is to kill, even of one’s self. Yet I tell you the truth, they are twice murdered; slain first in their heart by the devil, then in their body at their own hand. Are they lost? No. For even one dead at their own hand, coerced by the devil, will live again. For I am He who shall call forth both the first and the second."

Excerpt from: Twice Murdered

8/28/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear
(Regarding the judgment of those who are raised at the end of the thousand years)

Thus says The Lord: In the Consummation, all judged according to their works shall surely die. Yet in that day, if one calls upon the name of Salvation, in true repentance, with sincere remorse in their heart, they will not be judged; behold, they shall pass from judgment into life. For I look upon the heart, I discern the thoughts and judge the innermost intentions; nothing is hidden before Me.
Therefore when the multitudes are judged, they will indeed be judged according to their works. For the books shall be opened and their works will be made known, even every idle word, and they shall be condemned. Yet again I say to you, those who call upon the name of The Holy One of Israel in sincerity and in truth, humbling themselves before Him, taking full responsibility for their works, confessing their sin, shall receive mercy. For YahuShua and His works now stand in their place, interceding on their behalf. For The Gift is never-ending, and all who come to Me will I in no wise turn away.

Therefore, My son, trust in My glory,
And seek no more to understand
My Word according to the letter,
Nor grab hold of it as though
It can be fully grasped by any man...

Rather seek to know Me as I am...

For from this knowledge alone
Does all understanding flow
Into the hearts of My beloved,
And they shall have peace...

Says The Lord.

From: Judgment and Mercy

I Tell You a Mystery

2/6/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"I tell you a mystery: It has been appointed to those who are born twice to die once, but by no means shall they die a second time. Yet those who do not come to Me in repentance shall be born once and die twice. Yet there are some among this generation who shall never taste death, having already passed from judgment into life. Thus to My chosen elect, there is a death of the body unto resurrection. Yet for those still living at My return, there is a death of another kind - the crucifying of your old man with his sinful ways, the putting on of the new man who is renewed in the knowledge of the Truth, restored in the image of Him who created him."

From: Born Again

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