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Answers Only God Can Give
1. You Shall Have No Other gods Before Me.
God Rebukes New Age Spirituality
2. You Shall Not Commit Idolatry.
God Speaks About Idolatry
God Speaks About Materialism
Regarding "Another Messiah"
3. You Shall Not Take the Name of The Lord Your God in Vain.
God Speaks Regarding Those Who Take His Name in Vain
4. Remember The Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy.
God Speaks About The Sabbath
5. Honor Your Father and Your Mother.
God Speaks About Honoring Your Father and Your Mother
6. You Shall Not Murder.
Thus Says The Lord Regarding Abortion
Thus Says The Lord Regarding Capital Punishment and Suicide
God Speaks About Committing Murder Within the Heart
7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery.
God Speaks Regarding Adultery Committed Against Him
God Speaks Regarding Adultery Committed in Marriage
God Speaks About Adultery of the Heart
8. You Shall Not Steal.
God Speaks Regarding Those Who Steal From Him
God Speaks Regarding Those Who Forsake the Poor and the Needy
9. You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.
God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness in His Name
God Speaks Regarding Those Who Bear False Witness Against His Servants
10. You Shall Not Covet.
God Speaks Regarding Covetousness
Other Topics:
The Volumes of Truth
The Name of The Lord
The Father and The Son are One
The Messiah
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Lamentations From The Lord
Woe to Those Who...
I Am Calling You Out
New Heights in Wickedness
Nature Shall Rise Up and Fight Against This Generation
The One Who Stays, Lets
I Am The Lord, I Do Not Change
The Coming of The Lord
1. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding What is an Abomination to The Lord
Regarding the Day of The Lord
Regarding the Birth Pangs
Regarding the Days of Noah
Regarding Sodom and Gomorrah Revived
Regarding Pollution and Mankind's Exploitation of the Earth
Regarding Worldly Suffering
2. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding Prophets (True)
Regarding Prophets (False)
Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses
Regarding the Two Witnesses
Regarding the Voice of The Lord
Regarding Spiritual Gifts
3. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding the United States
Regarding Israel
Regarding Africa
Regarding the Olympics
4. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding the Churches of Men
Regarding the Catholic Church
Regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses
Regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
Regarding the Seventh Day Adventist Church
Regarding the United Church of God
Regarding The True Church
5. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding the Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of the Scriptures
Regarding Adding to or Taking Away From The Word of God
Regarding The Ten Commandments
Regarding The Holy Spirit
Regarding The Trinity
Regarding Hell and Eternal Torment
Regarding Children’s Inheritance on Earth and in Heaven
Regarding Who Killed The Messiah
Regarding Sacred Names
6. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding The Holy Days of God
Regarding The Crucifixion
Regarding Crucifying The Messiah in Your Heart
Regarding The Resurrection
Regarding the First and Second Resurrection
Regarding The Ascension and The Blessed Hope
Regarding the Holidays of Men
7. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding Forgiveness
Regarding Unforgiveness
Regarding True Repentance
Regarding Being Born Again
Regarding Salvation
8. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding the Day and Hour Unknown
Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture")
Regarding the First and Second Harvest
Regarding the End Sign
Regarding The Kingdom and Heaven
9. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding Spiritual Warfare
Regarding Demons
Regarding the Antichrist
Regarding the Mark of the Beast
Regarding Sin
Regarding the First Death
Regarding the Second Death
Regarding the Final Judgment
10. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding Patience
Regarding Faith
Regarding Healing
Regarding Baptism
Regarding Prayer
Regarding Fasting
Regarding Tithing
Regarding Obedience
Regarding Staying Separate
Regarding Scoffers
Regarding Pride
11. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding Health
Regarding Sex
Regarding Homosexuality
Regarding Marriage
Regarding Parenting
Regarding the Wearing of Jewelry
12. Thus Says The Lord...
Regarding the Book of Ezekiel
Regarding the Apostle Paul
Regarding Judas Iscariot
Regarding Noah, Ham and Canaan (Genesis 9:20-27)
Regarding Creation
Regarding Science
Regarding Dinosaurs
Regarding the Flat Earth Theory
Index of False Doctrines Within the Churches of Men
False Doctrines Within the Churches (Index)
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Answers Only God Can Give - Official YouTube Channel
Answers Only God Can Give - Official Facebook Page
Answers Only God Can Give - Official Twitter Page
Questions Answered By God (Facebook)
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Listen to The Volumes of Truth on Soundcloud
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