Regarding Patience

Section One

4/7/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Thus the time of My watchmen has come, the Day of Punishment is made clear. Behold, it waits at the doors and is about to come in, terrible judgment poured out without mixture! - Destruction of the cities! The distress of all nations! WOE TO THE SONS OF MEN! WOE TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH, FOR NOW SHALL BE YOUR PERPLEXITY! SAYS THE LORD.

Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Great patience and steadfast faith is required. For great and terrible things are coming, days which have no equal. For upon the earth, evil of every kind proliferates unfettered. Iniquity is upheld and righteousness is trampled underfoot. Damnable heresies are taught in the churches, and blasphemy is heard within the synagogues. Temples of false gods litter the face of the earth, and mosques pollute the land like a plague - abomination, blasphemies without end, lies upon lies fed to the masses as truth! Shall I not come forth and destroy?! Shall I not come out swiftly and take vengeance upon My enemies?! Shall I not bring swift destruction upon them, until not one stone is left upon another?!"

Excerpt from: The Truth Absolute

"Blessed are all those who patiently endure
For My name’s sake...

They fulfill the promises."


"Blessed are the wise who wait and watch,
And see these things come to pass
During their generation...

Blessed are the faithful,
For they shall be lifted up."


"Blessed are those who watch
And wait eagerly for My coming...

Blessed are their eyes,
Though they have yet to see,
For they have understood...

Blessed are their feet also,
For they walk along the highway
Called Holy, and do not tarry..."


"Blessed are those who wait eagerly for My coming,
Blessed are all those who keep watch,
For I shall bless them with a multitude of
Blessings, a great fulfilling of My spirit in them!...

Lo, they shall stand up and march
Across these desolate lands!...

They shall stand up! Says The Lord of Hosts...

And I shall bless them
And bring glory to My name!"

Excerpts from: The Blessed

Finishing the Race

It is the man who endures through the pain,
And perseveres through every obstacle,
Who finishes the race...

Yet the man who surrenders all to The Lord
Will fly with eagle’s wings.

From: Finishing the Race

Remembering the Ascension, Looking to the Blessed Hope

That which was bitter shall be made sweet, and that which brought tears of sadness shall be turned to great rejoicing. For indeed The Bridegroom was taken from them, and has been a long time in coming. Yet those who have waited with all eagerness shall have their hope realized, and those who watched with steadfast trust shall not be put to shame; neither shall those who have fallen asleep be disappointed.

For the Bride shall have her heart’s desire,
And My prophets their due reward...

For all those who belong to Me have tasted,
And behold, My prophets have surely seen...

Says The Lord.

Remembering the Ascension
Looking to the Blessed Hope

11/9/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore thus says The Lord, to all those who have ears to hear: Wait upon Me, with all trust and fear; stand steadfast and be patient. Accept My words, as I have spoken them and as they are written; do not add to My words, nor take from them. Neither form for yourselves any private interpretation; only give heed to My words and also do them, and prepare.

For My words are indeed that light
Which shines in a dark place,
A lamp and a beacon,
Preparing My way before Me...

Until the new day dawns and The Morning Star rises,
Filling the hearts of My chosen as they enter in...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from: Full Circle

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