Regarding the Final Judgment
Judgment and Mercy
8/28/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear
(Regarding the judgment of those who are raised at the end of the thousand years)
Thus says The Lord: In the Consummation, all judged according to their works shall surely die. Yet in that day, if one calls upon the name of Salvation, in true repentance, with sincere remorse in their heart, they will not be judged; behold, they shall pass from judgment into life. For I look upon the heart, I discern the thoughts and judge the innermost intentions; nothing is hidden before Me.
Therefore when the multitudes are judged, they will indeed be judged according to their works. For the books shall be opened and their works will be made known, even every idle word, and they shall be condemned. Yet again I say to you, those who call upon the name of The Holy One of Israel in sincerity and in truth, humbling themselves before Him, taking full responsibility for their works, confessing their sin, shall receive mercy. For YahuShua and His works now stand in their place, interceding on their behalf. For The Gift is never-ending, and all who come to Me will I in no wise turn away.
Therefore, My son, trust in My glory,
And seek no more to understand
My Word according to the letter,
Nor grab hold of it as though
It can be fully grasped by any man...
Rather seek to know Me as I am...
For from this knowledge alone
Does all understanding flow
Into the hearts of My beloved,
And they shall have peace...
Says The Lord.
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