The Messiah

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2/6/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - Wisdom Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

YahuShua is The Gift; in Him is life! All others lead only to darkness and death, a fleeing away from The True Light, which is YahuShua The Messiah. For He is the wonderful new thing born of a virgin, as it is written. Behold, He is the fulfillment of all things, The Only Messiah and Lord, fulfilling all written and spoken of Him from the beginning... The very same as God, begotten as The Son, Immanu El. He is also The Word, which is and was and is to come, The Word of God Almighty. For by The Word are you saved, and by this same Word shall the wicked be destroyed. For they have rejected The Word of Life, and want no part with He who created them. Thus they have chosen death and not Life; their inheritance is lost, their names blotted out. For though He was God in the flesh, He gave Himself up to the smiters, that all nations under God might be saved through Him, which is the foundation and fulfillment of all prophecy, the end of which is The Kingdom... For He is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, and by Him alone shall you enter in, sharing in His joy forever and ever.
Thus as the stars in the heavens are beyond the numbering of men, a glory beyond our understanding, so also is He called Christ and Jesus. For He, being The Only Begotten of The Father, is also the fulfillment of The Word of God and the prophets throughout all generations, the fulfillment of which is also beyond the reason and comprehension of men. Therefore let these things fulfilled in The Son of Man, though mentioned in few, be for a sign to awaken the slumberers. Yet to those of greater understanding, who have been awakened to the knowledge of these things fulfilled in The Son of Man, prophesied, coming to light as a multitude, let it be a wonder... Yet to those who are fully awake, who having received the knowledge and love of the Truth, knowing The Messiah fulfills all in every sense, in all manner, every word written, every word spoken, every action within and without, being altogether The All in All of all things, let it be truth undeniable! - Causing all, both great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, to bow down before Him, calling Him Lord! For this truth is an emblazoned torch, a waving banner, an ensign to all generations, beyond all question! For HE IS WHO HE IS, and there is none like Him! - YahuShua HaMashiach, The Holy One of Israel, your King!

Behold, The Messiah had come and is returning!
Lo, He is coming quickly and shall also appear!...

Watch therefore, and behold the mighty and
Awesome power of The Holy One of Israel!
For He shall sit upon the throne of His glory, and every knee shall bow!
For the will of God shall be done on Earth as in Heaven!...

Behold, The Kingdom of God comes and is very near!...

And His name is YahuShua HaMashiach!...


YahuShua HaMashiach,
Who Is Called Jesus and Christ, Is King

1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For I said, “Let there be a Lamb without spot or blemish, sacrificed for the atonement of sin”, and so it was; and “Let The Lamb be The Son of God, The Holy One of Israel, in whom all the nations of the earth shall be blessed”, and so it is forever and ever! Sing, “HalleluYah!” Let My people cry out, “God is with us!”"


"Beloved children, there is but One Way!...

YahuShua HaMashiach,
Yes, He who is called Jesus The Christ,
He is The Only Way!...

Therefore, follow close behind Him, in His very footsteps,
And you shall surely live and not die...

Says The Lord whose dominion is everlasting
And whose authority is absolute,
The Only Lord God of Hosts, The I AM."

Excerpts from:
To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of
And Sits Upon Seven Hills

12/1/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For I had sent to you My Son, in whom the fullness of God dwells, God in the flesh, Immanu El; a man without sin, blameless, who willingly gave up His life for all who have fallen under judgment, that those who are willing might pass from death to life, from darkness into The Light of Life. For He carried the weight of the world’s sin to the cross, and crucified sin through His suffering; the penalty of sin abolished as He fell asleep, the Victory established for all time upon His rising. Thus He will be your judge at the Last Day, O peoples of the earth, because He is both God and man. Therefore, blessed are all those in whom He sees of Himself. For these have already passed from judgment into life, seated forever at His right hand."

Excerpt from:
Judgment, Transgression, and The Word

3/6/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"My people, The Mashiach is your help and your shield;[1]
YahuShua, whom you call Jesus and Christ,
Is The Rock of your Salvation,
The One who is and was and is to come;[2]
For The Father and The Son are One[3]...

Therefore, embrace Me in My Mercy,
And receive of Me in My Great Love."

Excerpt from: Watch

2/17/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, He Who Is Called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

My sons and daughters, from the beginning I AM WHO I AM, and shall be. Even to the end, I AM HE. From everlasting to everlasting, I AM, says The Lord... In this shall you find rest and know peace.

Therefore, no longer bind yourselves to what you see, nor concern yourselves with the things of this world and its evil ways. Free yourselves by the knowledge I have given you, by the understanding that I AM WHO I AM, freedom in the knowing, I AM HE... Beloved, I have defeated the world, I have overcome your sins; death is put to death because of Me! Behold, I AM RISEN, death is turned backward; only life is, and shall be!
Lo, I have defeated you also, if you would only surrender your life. For I gave up My life in place of yours, so you may receive of My life. Therefore, I ask you, how long will you withhold? How long will you wait before you let go? When will you fly? When will you believe? BELIEVE, and you shall also know! Hold onto Me therefore, because I am He who holds onto you... Have I not already told you, “Peace is in the knowing that I AM WHO I AM, and you are in life because of Me”?
Beloved, you were made for Me, created for love’s purpose. I created you in My image, and gave you My breath, My life. Therefore, this is life: I AM HE!... Beloved, you worry, yet I AM HE. You weep, yet I AM HE. You stumble, yet I AM HE. Your hearts tear and break over all these sorrows, yet I AM HE. You struggle and are in turmoil, you feel lost, yet I AM HE. You grasp at the wind and have no understanding, yet I AM HE. You are persecuted by those you love, yet I AM HE. The world hates you, yet I AM HE. Everything you have is passing away, yet I AM HE. Death comes to take you into darkness, yet I AM HE!

Do you not understand?!
The One who sees, The One who knows!...

Everything you suffer, I suffer; every tear you shed, I cry;
Everything you long to be, yet are unable, I shall be for you...

You are weak, yet I am strong! You fall apart, yet I restore!
You die, and My life rushes in! You sin, and I overcome!
You hate, and I forgive! You hurt, and I heal!
You turn from Me, yet I remain faithful...

No matter the time or the season,
In every moment of your life, I AM HE!...

Says The Lord.

From: I AM HE

12/25/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore, My son, do not worry because you do not have all the answers, nor be upset because you do not fully understand. For The Lord your God is Truth, even as I am The Truth. For all knowledge resides within The Father, even as I am in The Father and He is in Me.[4] Thus I am also The Answer.

My son, trust in Me, and you shall be set free;
For it is the humble, penitent man who shall see God;
Behold, he shall look upon My face,
As I restore him in My image...

For I am the image of The Invisible God,
The perfect reflection of The Father,
The face of The Majesty from on high,
Immanu El...

Therefore open your heart to Me,
And I shall create you anew...

Says The Lord."

Excerpt from:
Seek The Lord and He Will Open The Way

6/19/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"This question was asked of The Lord, for a brother in Christ: Lord, can our salvation be lost?

Thus says The Lord: Timothy, write as I speak; hear My words and give Me glory. For in My Word is glory, even the Truth, of which no man shall change. For if any man attempts to change that which I have spoken for his own glory, or in the serving of the evil one, even that man shall I destroy, says The Lord.

So then, you have come before Me asking on your brother’s behalf, though he asks in the testing of you; yet not according to the Truth or that written in the Scriptures, but according to the doctrines of men, of which he has already accepted. Yet I will speak for the sake of your asking, and for the edification of him you call brother. For he is My son also, though he does not yet believe you are who you claim to be. And for this reason I have commanded you to write My words, so for surety all may know and understand, that salvation gained is assured. For it is not by gain you have received it, rather it is by grace, The Gift of The Father... Ransomed through the blood of The Son. Therefore, concerning all these The Father has given Me, I shall not lose one. For those who come to Me are drawn to Me by The Father, and shall in no wise be cast out.

Yet there are those among you who say it is written by the prophet, that when the righteous turn from their righteousness and commit iniquity, The Father will in turn remember their righteous deeds no more, and because of their unfaithfulness they shall surely die. This saying is true, and was spoken by the prophets of old according to The Old Covenant, and should indeed be taken to heart.
Yet understand this, all you haughty scholars and prideful teachers, even all you who call of yourselves Christian who make arrogant assertions without knowledge, you lack trust and have no understanding! Nor do you know your God, nor that covenant written in My own blood, which is The New and Everlasting Covenant. For I died; behold, I am risen! I am alive forevermore! Amen! And as I live, so shall the penitent man live. Even if he should turn and stumble, his salvation is in no wise lost to him. For he has an Advocate with The Father, One who stands in his place, having already paid the full price for his transgression; behold, his sin is remembered no more, cast into a dark sea of forgetfulness!... And oh how blessed are those who strive always to make their repentance full, says The Lord."


"Therefore, understand Glory and the power of the cross,
By which I have sprinkled all nations, all peoples and all men:

Only one’s complete rejection of this Truth,
In the hating of My name, keeps them from Salvation and Life,
Of which I offer them in rivers of living water mixed with My own blood,
Which is poured out from My side, of which all must drink,
Even to the eating of My flesh to have life, life without end..."

Excerpts from:
Salvation Is Given and Must Be Received;
Once Received, Forever Shall It Belong to the Redeemed

4/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Therefore, thus says The Lord to the hard-hearted, to every servant of satan, to all who have joined themselves to this world: Kneel! Kneel before The Lord of Hosts, kneel before your maker! Kneel before The Holy One of Israel and kiss The Son! For in Christ alone is your salvation, in Messiah alone is there deliverance in the Day of Wrath! Yes He, who is called Jesus and Christ, is The Messiah, your only escape! YahuShua is The Lamb; behold, He is also The Lion!"


"Oh peoples of the earth, do you not know the fury of The Lord has come, and is coming quickly?! Yet greater still is the love and mercy of God, fulfilled in The Son of Man, He who was sent to you already! Therefore, hear The Word of The Lord, call upon The Name, embrace The Salvation of God, and live!

Therefore, hear the word of The Son of The Most Holy, The Only Begotten of The Father, the express image of The Invisible God, for thus says The Holy One of Israel: In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God. In the beginning was The Word, which I AM, the very same as God, by whom all these worlds are and were created. For The Father and The Son are One."


"Beloved children, do you not know the power and mercies of God?! I am that power through which God has shown His mercy!... Beaten, mocked, bruised, scourged and nailed to the cross, for your transgressions, stricken by God, pierced and buried; risen to life after three days and three nights, that by My life you may be healed! For My mercies endure forever, for all who accept and partake of My mercies. For these shall live by faith, and by no means shall their life be taken from them. And though they fall asleep, I shall surely revive them, and they shall abide in the light of The Lord, forever.
Foolish children, I was sent to redeem you, to restore you to life, to show you the way! Yet you forbear, and cast Me off as a cord which binds you! Do you not understand?! I have broken every cord, I have freed you from every chain which holds you captive! And yet you say, “Cast these cords from us”?! Oh dead and dying generation, you have forsaken LIFE! You shall surely die! Your fate is sealed, and this at your own hand! For according to all your evil works which you have committed without reservation, and according to your great arrogance in where you have rejected The Truth and turned your backs on The Way, forsaking The Life, so shall it be done to you! For there is no other, nor any other way found, by which you may enter into the love and mercy of God!... One Son given up for many, One Way into sanctification and life, life without end. 

For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
Should not perish but have everlasting life...

Therefore, embrace Me now!...

Lest you remain and drink of the wine
Of the wrath of God, which is poured out
Full strength into the cup of His indignation!...

For I tell you the truth,
Judgment and darkness shall reign seven days...

Then the consummation...
Behold, the birth of a new day,
Even one thousand years...

Excerpts from: Stricken

1/13/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"Rather salvation comes by the hearing of The Gospel,
And through the confession of the mouth that YahuShua,
Called Jesus, is Lord, believing HE IS WHO HE IS[5]...

The Risen One...

The Only Way, The Only Truth, The Only Life[6]...

For only by true repentance, in accord with the heart’s desire
To be in union with The Messiah, shall one be set free."

Excerpt from:
Be Baptized in The Living Waters of Spirit and Truth

11/30/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, He Who Is Called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

"For I am The Desire of Ages!
My breath sustains all generations!
I alone am The Life, The Love which never fades!...

Therefore, search your hearts and know Me!
Remember the love which was poured out for you!
Embrace Me as I am, as I have always been!

Beloved, stop looking forward, as though I am afar off. Cease from looking backward, as though I am somehow beyond your reach. Look! Here I am! See no more with the eyes of man, for flesh and blood deceive you. For the men of this world have lain in wait and set traps, snares and pits by which My children are held captive; their hearts torn, tormented and led astray by the illusions of this world... Beloved, wipe your eyes, and see! Unstop your ears, and hear! Open your hearts, and know, I AM HE! (By NO means am I that which men in authority have spoken concerning Me; nor am I that “Jesus” which is spoken of amongst the churches of men.)

The Only Begotten of The Father,
The One True God and Savior, The Mashiach!...


Excerpt from: Mindful

Come, Love Awaits You

Come, all those who know not My ways; I will show you.

Come, all those who have been abandoned;
I will comfort you and give you shelter.

Come, all those who are crippled;
Let us run and leap for joy together!

Come, all those faithless;
I shall fill your cup, and watch how it overflows!

Come, all murderers;
Watch Me raise you, and all who sleep, from the grave.

Come, all you who blaspheme, I will give you a new voice;
Bring with you all those who are blind and deaf,
For they too shall see and hear!

Indeed, come all those who have sinned against Me, take My hand!
I will lead you to the waters where I shall wash you,
And where your new clothes hang upon the tree
Which grows next to the stream...

Come one, come all! Ask, and it shall be given you!
For all things are possible with God and made manifest through The Son...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

From: Come, Love Awaits You

The King Eternal
Behold, the footsteps of The Lord shake the earth! The footsteps of The Lord shall tread the winepress of the wrath of His fury! The presence of The Lord shall break apart the tall mountains; His power shall bring down every mountain, every high place shall be brought low! For the presence of The Lord is strong and mighty, and the anger of The Lord is hot and burns in the heat of His jealousy!... Who can turn back The Lord’s anger, once it is kindled? Who can prevent The Most High from performing His will?! Whose glory is like The Lord’s?!

Who comes as The King above all kings wearing the raiment of God, whose majesty is beyond compare?!... Who is able to stand in the day of His wrath, or survive the power of His sword which proceeds from His mouth, the day He strikes through the heart of all people and lays His enemies waste, the day every adversary is consumed in the brightness of His coming?! For He is mighty in battle and His justice is swift, His victory absolute!

Who is The King of Glory?!...

YahuShua HaMashiach, HE is The King of Glory!
His power is infinite, His love never-ending!...

HE is The King Everlasting,
The King of Righteousness!...

His grace is shed abroad to
Every contrite and humble spirit;
His forgiveness is pure, ever-flowing
Into the hearts of the penitent,
Restoring them to righteousness and life!...

Yes, He is The One and Only King Eternal!
There is no other, there is none like Him!

From: The King Eternal

Blessed Is The Name of The Lord==

By My name is your heart sealed;
For in My name is The Spirit given,
The Spirit which also testifies of My name...

By My name are you established in life,
As a bride prepared for her husband...

Therefore, everyone who refuses
To take My name shall not see life,
For there is but One Way into life...

I am The Way...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

From: Blessed Is The Name of The Lord

The Redeemer

Behold, I had come,
The Son who was completely blameless,
To bear the guilt of all The Father’s children...

The Just for the unjust;
The Innocent for the guilty;
The Son of Man for the sons of men...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

From: The Redeemer

Beyond Question
The Lord is eternal; HE IS! He never ends! His love, His mercy, His justice, His majesty, His glory, His sorrow, all that He is endures forever! Likewise His creation has no end, no boundaries! There are no limits to contain it, for it is as He is!... HE IS THE CREATOR!... Everlasting, eternal, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, The First and The Last by whom all things exist and have their being, through whom all living things have life!

Kiss The Son, therefore! Bow down heavily and give Him glory! Let the knowledge of who He is fill your heart with wonder and awe, with great reverence and worship! Give Him thanks and praise! For Holy is The Lord God Almighty, His ways past finding out! For who can understand the knowledge of The Lord contained within creation, or know the depths of His wisdom?! Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse!

Behold, even the whole of creation shouts,
For it is He by whom all things consist,
It is He who causes to be...

For The Lord our God is One!

From: Beyond Question

The power of The Lord is without end! His love covers His creation like a blanket, and the light of His glory reaches beyond the stars of heaven! His majesty is beyond comprehension; it transcends space and time!... The Everlasting is His name!
The express image of The Holy is revealed, He is known of His own! His glory shines from the east even unto the west... The Sh’khinah of The Father’s only Son!
WONDERFUL is His name! WONDERFUL are His ways! He wears TRUTH as a garment, and GLORY is His vesture, and LOVE is His crowning glory! All life proceeds from Him; He holds all things together by the Word of His power!

His way is from everlasting,
And with His mouth He testifies
To the Truth, always!...

Therefore, let us testify also;
The Father and The Son are One! ONE!...


From: Wonderful

10/31/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I am The I AM...

I am The Lord Your God.
I am Immanu El.
I am The Lord Your Righteousness.
I am The Anointed One.
I am The Messiah.
I am The Only God and Savior.
I am The Holy One of Israel.
I am The Glorious One on High.
I am The Star Out of Jacob.
I am The Everlasting Light of the World.
I am The One Who Is and Was and Is to Come.
I am The Almighty.
I am The One Who Reigns Forever.
I am The Kingdom.
I am The Power.
I am The Glory.
I am The Only Lord of Hosts.
I am The Source of Life.
I am The Creator.
I am The Maker of All Things.
I am He by Whom All Things Consist.
I am The Breath of Life.
I am Eternal Life.
I am The Passover.
I am Your Sacrifice.
I am The Lamb of God.
I am Your Ransom.
I am The Firstfruits of Those Who Have Fallen Asleep.
I am The Firstborn from the Dead.
I am He Who Died and Is Alive Forevermore.
I am The Resurrection and The Life.
I am He Who Ascended on High.
I am He Who Led Captivity Captive.
I am The Bestower of Gifts.
I am Your Salvation.
I am The Horn of Salvation.
I am God’s Salvation, YahuShua.
I am The Loving Mercy of God.
I am The Gift.
I am The Redeemer.
I am The Mediator.
I am Your Advocate.
I am Your High Priest.
I am The Keeper of My Saints.
I am The Lover of Souls.
I am The Song of Your Heart.
I am Your Tears of Joy.
I am The Nectar of Life.
I am He Who Loved You Before the Foundation of the World.
I am He Through Whom You Were Made.
I am Your Father.
I am Your Protector.
I am Your Rearguard.
I am Your Strength.
I am The Guardian of Your Soul.
I am The Author;
I am also The Finisher.
I am The Wisdom.
I am The Word of God.
I am The Answer You Search For.
I am The Truth You Seek.
I am The Only Truth, The Truth Absolute.
I am The Faithful and True Witness.
I am The Sower;
I am also The Reaper.
I am The Dayspring.
I am The Water of Life;
I am also Your Bread, The Very Manna from Heaven.
I am The Savior.
I am The Risen One.
I am The Bright and Morning Star.
I am The Fulfillment of The Law.
I am The Goal at Which The Torah Aims.
I am The Fulfillment of All Things.
I am The Reward.
I am Holy.
I am The Mercy Seat;
I am also Wrath and Justice.
I am He Who Searches the Hearts and Minds.
I am The Righteous Judge.
I am The Son of Man.
I am The Cornerstone.
I am The Rock.
I am The Tree;
I am also The Branch.
I am The Son of David.
I am The Shepherd.
I am The Gate for My Sheep.
I am The Master.
I am The Good Teacher.
I am The Voice of Truth.
I am The Day Star Who Arises in the Hearts of Men.
I am Your Heart’s Desire.
I am The Beloved.
I am The Bridegroom.
I am The Love That Never Fades.
I am The Holy Presence.
I am The Spirit.
I am The Helper.
I am The Counselor.
I am The Inspiration.
I am The Still Small Voice.
I am The Hope.
I am The Healer.
I am The Sanctuary.
I am The Firstborn Over All Creation.
I am He Who Sits at The Right Hand of God.
I am The Face of God.
I am The Image of The Invisible God.
I am The Son of God.
I am The One Who Has the Seven-fold Spirit of God.
I am The Holder of the Book of Life.
I am The One Who Has the Key of David.
I am He Who Opens Doors No One Can Shut.
I am The One Who Holds the Keys of Death and Sheol.
I am The Authority.
I am The Mighty and Strong One.
I am The Strong One of Jacob.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
I am The Warrior of God Who Needs No Weapon.
I am The One with the Double-Edged Sword in His Mouth.
I am He Who Sits on the White Horse.
I am He Who Is Coming on the Clouds.
I am He Who Will Shine from the East unto the West.
I am He Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand.
I am He Whose Eyes Are Like Flames of Fire.
I am He Who Wears the Golden Sash.
I am He Who Holds the Iron Scepter.
I am King of Kings.
I am Lord of Lords.
I am The First and The Last.
I am Lord Over Heaven and Earth.
I am The In All, Be All, of Existence.
I am The Meaning of Life.
I am The True Vine.
I am The Fountain of Living Waters.
I am The Restoration of All Things.
I am The Prince of Peace.
I am The Amen.

I am The Way.
I am The Truth.
I am The Life.

I am YahuShua HaMashiach.
I am for you, and you for Me.

I am The All in All.


From the Letter:
And He Shall Be Called I AM